Dimanche 2 février 7 02 /02 /Fév 15:32


Dans la Bible, malgré les défauts incontestables de David j'ai tjs aimé sa victoire contre Goliath...pas vous ?



Cela dit je n'aime pas les outings ni tout ce qui est forcé.


A CTUS | FRANCE | LE MAGAZINE | 29.01.2014 - 12 H 23 | 0 COMMENTAIRES
Octave Nitkowski : « La justice a reconnu le droit du public à être informé de l’homosexualité de Steeve Briois, secrétaire général du FN.   »
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Interview avec Octave Nitkowski, le jeune blogueur de 17 ans d’Hénin Beaumont, qui a révélé dans un livre portant sur le Front National, l’homosexualité de deux cadres du parti d’extrême droite.


Cette interview complète l’article de Marc Endeweld, paru dans TÊTU Février 2014, page 39.

Finalement, la Justice a autorisé la publication de votre ouvrage expurgé de certains passages. Attendiez-vous une telle décision ?
J’attendais effectivement que le livre soit autorisé. Car la décision du Tribunal de Grande Instance d’interdire mon livre m’apparaissait être complètement disproportionnée et me semblait relever d’un obscurantisme inquiétant. La Cour d’Appel me donne finalement raison en retenant un droit du public à être informé de l’homosexualité de Steeve Briois. Cependant, en m’interdisant de parler librement de l’homosexualité du second cadre du Front national au motif de sa notoriété limitée, la Cour d’Appel opère une distinction particulière entre les personnes dans un pays où « la loi doit être la même pour tous » selon l’article 6 de la Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen.

Jeune blogueur de 17 ans, aujourd’hui étudiant à Science Po, et à la Sorbonne, pourquoi avoir décidé d’évoquer l’homosexualité de deux cadres du FN ? Vous vous êtes défendu à plusieurs reprises d’avoir pratiqué ce qu’on appelle un « outing »…lire la suite :


Dans sa dernière décision, la justice a d’une certaine manière reconnu l’intérêt public de dévoiler cette information. Durant le procès, l’avocat des plaignants, Wallerand de Saint Just, candidat FN à la mairie de Paris, a au contraire tenté de démontrer que l’homosexualité faisait partie de la « sphère la plus intime » de la vie privée. Qu’en pensez-vous?
Cette conception relève d’un archaïsme rétrograde puisqu’il vise à stigmatiser l’homosexualité et à en faire une anomalie par rapport à l’hétérosexualité. Considérer que l’homosexualité appartient à la « sphère la plus intime de la vie privée » revient en définitive à rester dans la continuité du stéréotype qui la conserve au placard et fait d’elle quelque chose d’honteux, de négatif. C’est en ce sens que mon essai contribue largement à développer une vision décomplexée vis-à-vis de l’homosexualité. Je rêve qu’un jour, la France devienne un pays où l’on puisse dire qu’un homme vit avec un homme aussi naturellement que l’on dise qu’un homme vit avec une femme.

Propos recueillis par Marc Endeweld.
Le Front National des villes et le Front National des champs. Octave Nitkowski. Éditions Jacob-Duvernet. Novembre 2013, 185 pages. 17,90 euros.



Par Marc Endelweld yagg-tetu - Publié dans : MEDITATION & REFLEXIONS "Tempus Fugit" - Communauté : Cavaillon communauté gay bi trans lesbienne sur la région
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Jeudi 30 janvier 4 30 /01 /Jan 15:47









Par VINCENZO - Publié dans : MEDITATION & REFLEXIONS "Tempus Fugit" - Communauté : Cavaillon communauté gay bi trans lesbienne sur la région
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Lundi 27 janvier 1 27 /01 /Jan 21:13




relax-with: Lazy day… a good day to just relax with you, man… enjoying the coffee… looking at the view… doing nothing but what we want… when we want… It’s good to have a lazy day every once in awhile to relax! oh yeahhhhhhhh… you and me!!!! [this is reblogged from my new non-porn tumblr: Relax with books, coffee, music, and more…. ]

Nous ne sommes jamais retournés dans ces lieux de nos premières étreintes, bien qu'y ayant pensé souvent. Maintenant, j'ai 25 ans et Julien 24. Nous vivons ensemble et nous nous aimons comme au premier jour. Ou plutôt, non. C'est différent maintenant. Plus réfléchi... mais aussi intense.

    Whatcha thinkin dude? That you wish I was there sucking your hardening cock?


De multiples fois, je me suis replongé rétrospectivement dans l'ambiance étrange de cette salle de spectacle perdue dans un sous-sol d'immeuble miteux. Souvent, je me prends à penser que tout cela n'a été qu'un rêve. Un fantasme de jeune homme en mal de sexe et d'amour. Le fruit de l'imagination fertile du gamin de 17 ans que j'étais et qui vivait mal son état de puceau. Je me dis qu'un matin, je vais me réveiller seul dans mon lit avec la sensation tragique de n'avoir vécu cette aventure que dans un monde onirique créé de toutes pièces par ma petite cervelle bancale. Alors, je me retourne et regarde longuement Julien allongé à mes côtés. J'éprouve le besoin de le toucher, de caresser sa douce peau ambrée, de déposer un baiser sur ses paupières closes. See? You don’t need a king size bed! In fact, the smaller the better because you can snuggle all the closer!!! 

Rassuré, je m'étends sur le dos, j'étire mes membres en prenant bien soin de ne pas réveiller mon amour, et je me dis que la destinée, à laquelle il faut ajouter le fameux culot des timides, a de bien bons côtés! 

Par bz - Publié dans : MEDITATION & REFLEXIONS "Tempus Fugit" - Communauté : Cavaillon communauté gay bi trans lesbienne sur la région
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Samedi 18 janvier 6 18 /01 /Jan 17:09


Voyage à l’intérieur de soi, réveil de nos souvenirs (“Une ruine sous une pluie fine, fine, fine,

fine, parmi les digitales, rouge sentimental”) devraient toucher en dedans tous

ceux qui ont vécu quelque chose qui ressemblait à ça.


>Tu voulais revoir l'endroit
Le voilà
Devant toi
Tu voulais revoir ça
C'est là
Devant toi

Une ruine
Sous une pluie fine fine…
Parmi les digitales
Rouge sentimental

Comme des nuées, des nuées
Les jours et les jours et les jours
Se sont rués, rués

Une ruine
Sous une pluie fine fine…
Parmi les digitales
Rouge sentimental

On reprend la route
Quand tu veux
Quand tu veux

Ce n'est qu'une ruine/ Bertrand Belin Ruine

Ca nous passionnait les ruines ...surtout s'il n'y restait qu'un bout de l'Ancienne Vie qu'on
peuplait de la nôtre pour un temps si court...
surtout pas un château que visitent les touristes
Surtout pas.
 souvenir indélébile ..."tu voulais revoir l'endroit ?"
 quelquefois le ciel pour toit
Là  !!! juste fait pour nous.
  il nous en fallait peu pour rêver...
la  cheminée a dû en voir d'autres...virtuellement par nos amours cachées on 
ranimait sa flamme. 
Voyage à l’intérieur de soi, réveil de nos souvenirs (“Une ruine sous une pluie fine, fine, fine,
fine, parmi les digitales, rouge sentimental”) devraient toucher en dedans tous
ceux qui ont vécu quelque chose qui ressemblait à ça...
   pas de digitales pourpres pour nous mais des fleurs tenaces...
tenaces comme nous ...
"Ton souvenir en moi luit comme un ostensoir" Charles Baudelaire  
Sa voix suave et onctueuse, son débit tout en retenue, ses textes simples
qui font voyager à l’intérieur de soi (“Une ruine sous une pluie fine, fine, fine,
fine, parmi les digitales, rouge sentimental”) devraient toucher en dedans tous
ceux qui ont vécu quelque chose comme cela.
Par nuages - Publié dans : MEDITATION & REFLEXIONS "Tempus Fugit" - Communauté : Cavaillon communauté gay bi trans lesbienne sur la région
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Vendredi 27 décembre 5 27 /12 /Déc 22:47




Le Tambour d'après le roman de Gunther Grass (prix Nobel) inaugure une série de malaises

suivi par Le soldat Perdu (The Lost Soldier)   dont je retiens les images un peuen vrac, quitte à revenir sur ma recherche "brute". 

On ne peut plus rien dire
Si tu veux pas te retrouver seul t'as intérêt de fermer ta gueule
On ne peut plus rien dire {x2}

Sûr qu'on est d'accord avec toi
Mais c'est pas nous qu'on fait la loi
On ne peut plus rien dire (Didier Bourdon des Inconnus)




Based on the autobiography by Rudi Van Dantzig, "For A Lost Soldier" takes place during the end of WW II in the Netherlands. It's the story of a young boy in Amsterdam whose parents send him to live in the country (Friesland) for his own safety. A family who had initially asked for a young girl ends up being young Jeroen's "adoptive" family. Jeroen is coming of age, being the tender age of 12, and is making discoveries on his own, especially his sexuality. He doesn't necessarily understand his feelings at first, until the arrival of the Canadian Liberators in 1945.
One particular soldier, Walt Cook, takes an interest in young Jeroen and a friendship blossoms between the two. Heit, Jeroen's adoptive father, sees that there is more to their friendship than meets the eye, and lets him know that he sees what's going on. This doesn't bother the other soldiers, however. In fact, as other soldiers are courting young girls in the village, so does Walt "court" young Jeroen. The two fall in love with each other, and a sexual relationship does indeed develop.
Perhaps it's Walt not wanting to face the hurt Jeroen will eventually face, but he fails to tell Jeroen that his platoon will be leaving. Jeroen is crushed when he realizes that Walt is gone the next day, and tries in vain as he searches the village for him.

trashboi: FOR a LOST SOLDIER (1993) Movie from Holland (dutch spoken) The story of a romantic relationship between a grown-up and a child. Set in the Netherlands near the end of WWII.I will be the first to admit that the subject matter is a bit risqué for the typical American movie goer. However, keep in mind that this is told exclusively from the viewpoint of the child. It is also done in a realistic and yet romantic way. The child is obviously longing for comfort and security, having been removed from the security of his family during WWII. In addition to being placed into a foster home, a pubescent Jeroen finds himself realizing his budding sexuality is that of one who is attracted to the same sex, which also adds to the feelings of loneliness and isolation. This film deals with a difficult topic, but does it in a way that simply tells a story with enormous feeling and sophistication. Voor een verloren soldaat (For A Lost Soldier) Director: Roeland Kerbosch Cast: Maarten Smit (Jeroen), Andrew Kelley (Walt), Jeroen Krabbé Netherlands | 1992 | 92 min


For a Lost Soldier: An Interview with Roeland Kerbosch

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For A Lost Soldier dvd coverIn January 2012, the world lost Rudi van Dantzig – an acclaimed choreographer and writer. For twenty years, Dantzig served as Artistic Director of the Dutch National Ballet. Ted Brandsen, the current director of the institution, described Rudi as ”inspiring, passionate, intense and true to himself ” [2].

In 1986, Dantzig published an autobiographical novel titled Voor een Verloren Soldaat (For a Lost Soldier) in which he recalls his youthful affair with a Canadian soldier when the Netherlands was liberated at the end of WWII. The first person narrative of the rite of passage experiences of Jaroen, the young protagonist of the film, is one of the most powerful and sincere accounts of growing up ever written. It consequently won numerous awards – despite the highly controversial theme of the book. It was translated into English and adapted for the big screen in 1992 by the Dutch director Roeland Kerbosch. The film, undoubtedly of the Coming-of-Age genre (though the first person narrative is lost in the transfer to screen), had a nationwide American theatrical release and consequently was distributed on VHS, DVD and, most recently, via on-demand streaming on both Netflix and Amazon.

The majority of the reviews, on the film’s IMDb page and on, are positive – as evidenced by the ratings on the sites: 4.3 out of 5 stars on Amazon, 7.6 out of 10 stars on IMDb (rating figures are as of 03.05.2012). One of the reasons for such high ratings may be read about in Stephen Holden’s review published in The New York Times. He writes: “One of the strengths of the film is its refusal to load the story with contemporary psychological and social baggage… the film assigns no blame and assesses no damages” [3]. The powerful story by van Dantzig, an author who “…. felt acutely the intolerance of the times” and made it “… a major theme in his ballets and writings” [1]. For a Lost Soldier became one of the most controversial Coming-of-Age films ever released.

Twenty years after the date that the film was first screened, contacted the film’s director, Roeland Kerbosch, for an exclusive interview. In the interview that follows, TheSkyKid’s questions will be represented by “SK” and Mr. Kerbosch’s answers will follow with the designation “RK“.

The Interview

VOOR EEN VERLOREN SOLDAAT bookSK: The movie For a Lost Soldier is based on the autobiographical novel with the same name, written by Rudi van Dantzig. He passed away few months ago. How well did you know him?

RK: Although it was difficult to get to know the real Rudi van Dantzig, I think I knew him quite well.

SK: Recently I talked with a friend, who mentioned that some years ago he had a conversation with Rudi van Dantzig in which he mentioned that he wanted to make a sequel to his story as it appears in For a Lost Soldier? Are you aware of that idea and if such a sequel were written would you have been interested in doing a sequel to the movie as well?

RK: The idea for a sequel must have been a misunderstanding. Rudi wanted to write a novel on the same subject but from the point of view of the soldier.

SK: When one sees the film for the very first time, the mis en scene in the small Frisian village where the action takes place makes quite an impression. One of the reasons for the popularity of the book in the Netherlands is the fact that many of the readers went through the experience of being sent away during the “hunger years“ of WWII. In fact, I read somewhere that you were also sent to Frisia as a kid. How has your personal experiences contributed to the adaptation from the book to the large screen?

RK: The novel was successful in The Netherlands; the film was not. Only a very few readers could have had the same experience as Rudi and myself during the so-called hunger winter in 1944-1945. Mostly just kids from Amsterdam were sent to Friesland and, because of lack of transport, only a few could escape the lack of food in Amsterdam. Rudi and myself we were lucky. I fully adapted my own experiences in Rudi’s story. It became a mixture of his and my story. The relationship with Walt was Rudi’s sexual experience, not mine as I was only four at the time. The atmosphere of the film and the visual impression is my personal memory, added to the novel.

NLD-19929691-HILVERSUM: Acteurs Jeroen Krabbe, Wouter Smit (m) en Andrew Kelly in de Nederlandse speelfilm ' Voor een verloren Soldaat '. COPYRIGHT KIPPA

NLD-19929691-HILVERSUM: Actors Jeroen Krabbe, Wouter Smit (m) and Andrew Kelly in For a Lost Soldier ‘. COPYRIGHT KIPPA

Image source :

SK : The talent of an actor, combined with the direction of the production, is what makes a character memorable to moviegoers. The role of Jaroen requires a great deal of talent from the young actor, mainly because of the wide range of emotions he is expected to portray on screen. Maarten Smit did a marvelous job, but because of his age and the controversial subject matter of the film our readers would be interested in the casting process for the role. What made Maaren Smit stand out from among the other candidates for the role and do you have any memories from your work with him while filming the movie?

Acteurs Jeroen Krabbe en Wouter Smit en in de Nederlandse speelfilm ' Voor een verloren Soldaat '. COPYRIGHT KIPPARK: Maarten Smit (Jeroen) indeed did a marvelous job. At the casting sessions, he was self confident and intelligent, not at all behaving as a kid actor who wants to do this role; that’s why I choose him. I could easily communicate with him. He read the novel, didn’t think much of it. He understood it very well though, the implications of the story, and what his performance should look like. And that’s what he did: a professional.

When For A Lost Soldier had its successful release in the USA, he was approached through me by Disney Studios. He turned down the invitation to come to Los Angeles for an audition. That was typical Maarten Smit: the job was done, get on to something else; not acting.

NLD-19929691-HILVERSUM: Actors Jeroen Krabbe and Wouter Smit en in de Nederlandse speelfilm ‘ Voor een verloren Soldaat ‘. COPYRIGHT KIPPA

SK: Having mentioned Maarten Smit, we must also ask you about the casting of the other protagonist of the film, Andrew Kelley, in the role of the young Canadian soldier Walt. Was he really a dancer at the Royal Dutch Ballet and did this play any role in the casting process?

RK: I knew Andrew Kelley as a dancer at HNB (Dutch National Ballet). It was his features, his introverted character and, moreover, his vulnerability that convinced me. As a dancer, he had tremendous discipline and, of course, some acting experience. He was extremely insecure during the difficult scenes with Jeroen. But Jeroen helped him quite a lot on the set to get through it.

SK: Are there certain things you think that you could have done differently if you made the movie today?

RK: If I would do this movie again, I would ask for much more money for the dancing scenes. The way these scenes were written originally in the screenplay would have given a lot more production value to the film.


SK: For a Lost Soldier is a film with sensitive subject matter and, even to this day, many people consider it one of the most controversial films ever released. Yet the sensual way in which the story is portrayed has resulted in many people liking the film, as evidenced from its high ratings on IMDB,…etc. By now, one can safely say that the film has become a classic as people recognize the value of the story and learn to reach their own conclusions to the many questions that the movie raises. That’s nowadays – but what was the public reaction like when the film first came out? How was your film received in other countries? Was the film ever banned or not respected in some parts of the world?

RK: The response to the film in Holland was, for me, disappointingly low. The outspoken Dutch homosexual scene expected and wanted ”raw meat”. For A Lost Soldier is a romantic love story, a homosexual love story that could have been a heterosexual love story as well. The homosexual part of it is less important than the love story as such.
The film won the Public Award and the Jury Award at the Torino Film Festival, was internationally successfully released especially in the USA where the film figured in the Variety Top Twenty for several weeks. The film was released theatrically all over the world without any restrictions. Only TV release was impossible, but who cares? Video and DVD took over in time.
SK: Having read the biography of Rudi van Dantzig at the web site of the Dutch National Ballet made me wonder if the dancing scene in which Jaroen dances with Walt was your way to pay tribute to the successes of the author as a dancer and choreographer?

RK: Rudi van Dantzig himself made no secret of the fact that he was never a very good dancer. As choreographer and director of HNB (Dutch National Ballet), he inspired many dancers, composers, painters, and filmmakers like myself. His influence went much further than ballet. My personal tribute to Rudi was the movie For A Lost Soldier.

SK: Let’s finish the interview with a question I always ask filmmakers. As mainly focuses on Coming-of-Age films, it would be interesting to know if you have a favorite Coming-of-Age film that you could recommend to the people reading this interview.

RK: While not really a true Coming- of- Age film in the strictest sense, I’d recommend the French film Etre et Avoir . It is “between the lines”.

I would like to dedicate this interview to the memory of Rudi van Dantzig.

In Memoriam Rudi van Dantzig 1933-2012





The story of a romantic relationship between a grown-up and a child. Set in the Netherlands near the end of WWII.I will be the first to admit that the subject matter is a bit risqué for the typical American movie goer. However, keep in mind that this is told exclusively from the viewpoint of the child. It is also done in a realistic and yet romantic way. The child is obviously longing for comfort and security, having been removed from the security of his family during WWII. In addition to being placed into a foster home, a pubescent Jeroen finds himself realizing his budding sexuality is that of one who is attracted to the same sex, which also adds to the feelings of loneliness and isolation. This film deals with a difficult topic, but does it in a way that simply tells a story with enormous feeling and sophistication.

Voor een verloren soldaat (For A Lost Soldier)
Director: Roeland Kerbosch
Cast: Maarten Smit (Jeroen), Andrew Kelley (Walt), Jeroen Krabbé
Netherlands | 1992 | 92 min


For a Lost Soldier 1992, originally Voor Een Verloren Soldaat

Listen to me carefully now. This is one of the first movies and only one of three movies, that I've ever seen with this content in my life.
You'll experience a love story and a relationship between a man and a boy. A real relationship, include everything, I mean it, with everything.
There was a very cool trailer for this movie, but the owner has probably deleted it, I have been not able to find it again.
At first time when I've seen it, it was incredible and unbelievable to me. I couldn't believe that, it has been really published and no forbidden.
The movie is entirely not the best, but it's absolutely unique!
You'll see a stuff, that you could never even imagine, that you could ever see in present time.
For a Lost Soldier 1992
For a Lost Soldier




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