Partager l'article ! USA le pb des gays chez les SCOUTS demeure assez crucial: Vu l'évolution actuelle et le retard observé chez TOUTES les église ...
Vu l'évolution actuelle et le retard observé chez TOUTES les églises, il existe une fracture pour laquelle beaucoup, activement ou passivement beaucoup luttent.
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Félicitations à la douce maman de Garret
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A longtime member of the Boy Scouts who was accidentally outed as gay on Facebook lost out on a coveted summer job with the organization because of the social media mistake.
Garrett Bryant, 19, was looking forward to a leadership position in Arizona when he was told last month that he was being turned down because of his sexuality.
"I did the best I could to follow BSAs 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy for gay members," Bryant told the Daily News on Tuesday. "But I couldn't control other people outing me, even if by accident. Following the rules as being an Eagle Scout apparently weren't enough for me to stay on camp staff."
One week before he received the bad news, Bryant had updated his status on Facebook to say he was in a relationship. He received many congratulatory responses, and at least one friend inquired, "what's his name?"
Bryant realized the mistake nine to 12 hours later and removed the comments, but it was too late. He says he believes Boy Scouts officials saw the post or were told of it.
When he called to require about why he was turned down, he was told "homosexuality" was the reason, he said.
"I felt just extreme sadness," the Northern Arizona University freshman told The News. "I am not one to cry easily. It was pretty intense."
This year the Boy Scouts began allowing openly gay teens into their ranks, but still don't allow gay adults. Bryant is still considered a youth for many programs in the organization, but not for all of them.
"The whole reason we went public with it is to bring it to light that halfway is nowhere near good enough," said mom Kat Bryant, who has known since the fall that her son is gay.
And when Garrett turns 21, he may face more problems from the organization's antiquated rules — and all because of the social media miscue.
“How will they [BSA] even know these people are gay unless they start digging into people’s Facebook posts?" webmaster Ed Henderson told NBC News, which first reported the story. "It’s going to create a witch hunt."
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