Dimanche 14 septembre 7 14 /09 /Sep 22:40

Jean Genet a écrit "Un Captif Amoureux" et son amant était palestinien. 


American director Michael Mayer's first feature-length movie about two men having a romantic, sexual relationship in an environment where you might not typically expect two men to have a romantic, sexual relationship.  

  Enlevé et tué par vengeance :  

Palestine vintage travel posters   !!!   

... -Ah! petit bonhomme, petit bonhomme j'aime entendre ce rire!   Saint EX.


Un gay palestinien demande l’asile à Israël

Publié le : 13 janvier 2010

«Chez moi en Palestine, tout le village me persécutait, on m’a même pourchassé afin de me battre. Ils ont failli me tuer. Je préfère rester en prison ici que rentrer là-bas» raconte dans le journal israélien Haaretz un jeune gay palestinien d’une vingtaine d’années.

La Cour suprême israélienne (photo) a ordonné à l’État de reconsidérer la reconduction vers les Territoires palestiniens de ce jeune homo en situation irrégulière en Israël. Le tribunal reconnaît, suite à la demande du jeune, que sa vie risque d’être en danger à cause de son homosexualité si on le reconduisait de force à Naplouse, sa ville natale.

politika (31)

 Il a quitté Naplouze à douze ans et s’est réfugié en Israël suite aux violences et aux coups portés par son propre père. En arrivant à Tel Aviv, il a vécu de prostitution – il a même été l’un des témoins d’un film documentaire sur le sort des jeunes prostitués de cette ville.

En novembre 2009, une commission de l’État a pourtant déterminé que son expulsion ne présentait pas de danger, l’accusant notamment de petits délits et de prostitution.

Source: têtu

Ce Gay palestinien a accepté d'être photographié

    Out in the Dark A  Film Explores the Gay Relationship Between an Israeli and a Palestinian

Out in the Dark – a story about a Palestinian student named Nimer and his Israeli lawyer lover, Roy – is more of a gay Persepolis to Brokeback's triple-denim Disney drama. Set against the backdrop of Israeli-Palestinian relations – historically, not the best of relations – it explores the stigma of gay, inter-faith relationships between men from perhaps the two most notoriously opposed countries in the world.    

I gave Michael a ring to speak about his film, being gay in Palestine and Israeli police corruption





Is there a gay nightlife scene in Palestine?
No actual gay clubs, but there are house parties. A few years ago, there were only completely underground Palestinian gay nights in Tel Aviv, which are now fairly popular. They started at 5PM and ended by 11PM so that people could make it home in time without having to answer for where they’d been.

I found the sex scenes surprisingly discreet – is there a reason why you exercised so much restraint as a director?
Relationships – including gay ones – are not just about the sex and passion. Yes, it was an important part of the movie. But I felt Roy and Nimer’s love story would feel so much stronger if it was more than just another gay romance. That there’s a connection that goes beyond the physical. Those are the moments I wanted to show – intimacy and tenderness, loving and caring. Yael and I discussed it a lot while we were writing the script; I was like, "They can have sex on the second date, but not the first."


Israel Film Festival: Review of ‘The Invisible Men’ (VIDEO)

By Jspace Staff on 11/12/2012 at 4:47 PM

Categories: Opinions, Entertainment, Israel

There are men in Israel who hide both their nationality and sexuality. They disguise themselves with Jewish star necklaces and live in unidentified apartments, working illegally doing odd jobs to get by. Their parents have threatened to kill them, and the Israeli police seeks to deport them. They are the Palestinian gay of Tel Aviv, the subject of director Yariv Mozer’s film “The Invisible Men,” currently playing at the Other Israel Film Festival in New York City.

Thirty-two year-old Louie has been hiding in Tel Aviv for the past 10 years. He’s been expelled countless times, but always manages to sneak back into the Israeli city. The scars across his cheek testify to his father’s commitment to hurt him for his sexuality. He’s been hiding his identity since the age of 8, when the sexual abuse of a cousin’s friend lead to his awakening as a gay individual. Louie believes himself to be alone.

He is not. Abdu, 24, and Faris, 23, have each been threatened by family, abused by police and on the run for years. Israel’s policy of expelling Palestinians who sneak into the country as potential militants also extends to those homosexual Arabs who would be killed by family members should they be deported to Palestine. Unfortunately, these men have nowhere else to go, unless they are lucky enough to be granted asylum abroad.

Outed in Ramallah and tortured by Palestinian police who believe him to be a Mossad spy because of his sexuality, Abdu is the lucky first to gain asylum status in the West. Louie struggles with his decision to leave his home, saying, "I want to breathe my culture, my land," but after being deported just days before his plane ticket, Louie too settles in Europe. Faris is the last to gain asylum, and cannot speak the name of his first boyfriend, who was murdered in Palestine.

That all three are now safe is the only reason Mozer is able to make his film. Their bravery, and Mozer’s self-conscious interference on behalf of his subjects (from almost getting arrested at the border to illegally sneaking into Ramallah), forms the compelling bedrock of “Invisible Men.” First-person footage and contemplative shots of sands and ocean provide the backdrop.

Vulnerable and sad, Mozer’s documentary is a beautifully restrained and straightforward examination of the issues. Mozer chooses his moments of action carefully, allowing the visual of Louie sleeping on a roof and using a public beach shower to brush his teeth to speak for itself. And yet, Louie and Abdu both miss the Middle East from their frosty new home somewhere in Europe. It is a testament to the powerful draw of a homeland, and the impossible situation that prohibits actually living there. It is an unintended cost of the conflict, and people like Louie are the collateral damage.

The Invisible Men Official Trailer- HQ


The Invisible Men

Réalisé par Yariv Mozer
Israël 2012
  •   69 min
  • Extrait photo


An untold side of the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict: gay Palestinians – Louie, Abdu and Fares – are hiding in Tel Aviv, and until they escape, they must remain ‘the invisible men’.

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