Samedi 12 septembre 6 12 /09 /Sep 03:03

    les moments de détresse mentale (divorce) sont favorables aux changements...  





Two Friends Share A Halloween Costume Halloween just past a few days ago and it reminded me of a very interesting Halloween a few years ago. I was recently divorced and pretty down about the whole thing and my friend Tom wanted to cheer me up and suggested we go to a Halloween party, I asked about his wife and he said she was going out of town to visit her mom so he had nothing better to do anyway.I agreed, but as the evening approached I started to have second thoughts I just was not in the mood to go to the party. Well Tom showed up anyway all dressed and ready to go.“Dude why aren’t you ready?”“Tom I am just not in the mood man.”“Come on Dave, get in the mood, we will have a blast.”“ Tom, I can’t go I don’t have a costume.”“No big deal man, we can both fit in my costume, I can take the stuffing out of the second head and we can go as the two headed monster, besides think of the fun we will have, every one will assume there is only one person in the costume and we can fuck with them by one of us drinking while the other one talks and I am sure we can think of other shit to pull, come on dude let’s go.”“Fine, but will we both fit in there?”“The costume is big enough for both of us.”So we headed into my bedroom and Tom unzipped his costume and I noticed he was only wearing his boxers.He noticed me looking. “Oh yeah forgot to tell you it gets pretty hot in this costume so you will be better off if your also only wearing your boxers too.”I didn’t say anything but all kinds of thoughts were going through my head, I am a straight guy and it seemed like it would be awfully awkward to be so close to my best buddy, and I didn’t really like the idea of skin to skin contact with him but I was also at a low point in my life and decided what the hell go and have some fun.So I started to undress down to my boxers as Tom sat on the bed waiting for me.“Hey Tom how are we going to do this?”“Well since I am a few inches taller, why don’t you get in front of me that way I can stand behind you and rest my head on your shoulder as the second head.”So Tom put the costume back on and I put my legs inside and my arms too, but we noticed that the arms in the costume would not be big enough to put both our arms in and it was decided it would be easier if my arms were in them and Tom would keep his arms inside the costume by his side. When we tried to walk we ended up falling over.“This is not going to work”“Man your such a pussy, don’t give up so easily, we just have to practice.”With that he put his arms around my waist to get better balance and we started to walk in my apartment, once we got the hang of it we took the costume off and headed over to our friends house that was having the party. When we got there, we parked the car a block away near a dark alley so we could get undressed and put the costume on. We decided to see how long we could fool people before they realized there was two of us in the costume, so Tom planned on staying quiet until people figured it out. We got pretty good at walking inside the costume, and as we approached the house I thanked Tom for convincing me to do it.As soon as we walked in people started complementing me on the cool costume and I headed over to get a drink, I always got two drinks and I usually headed for a corner so Tom could quickly down his. After a few drinks we were both starting to get a good buzz and also feeling the effects of drinking so much and I needed to go to the bathroom. I whispered to Tom I needed to go and he said ok, so we headed off to the bathroom.“Hey man how am I going to do this, I can’t unzip with these monster arms, I need you to unzip me?”“Damn Dave, okay here you go”I felt Tom lower the zipper and just stood there.“Okay dude I need you to pull it out so I can piss.”“No fucking way am I touching your dick”?“Listen fuckface this was your idea in the first place and I have to piss real bad so unless you want me to piss in the costume I suggest you get over it and pull it out.”I heard Tom muttering, “Fuck me”I felt him reach into my boxers and grope around for my dick, it felt strange having my best friends hand reaching for my dick, it felt strange but in a weird way good. He got a hold of it, pulled it out and I started to piss right away, he shook it for me and put it back in my boxers.He then took his empty cup put it inside the costume and heard him piss into his cup, which he then handed to me and I emptied into the toilet, he zipped us up and we headed back into the party. As we walked in a new realization hit me, Tom and I had crossed a line most friends don’t cross. I soon forgot about it when I ran into the most gorgeous blond I had seen all night, as we started chatting I was getting a hard on watching all the cleavage before my eyes. That wasn’t so bad except Tom was also getting a hard on, and his hard on was hitting the crack of my ass. I heard his whisper to me an apology but he couldn’t help it.To be totally honest, it didn’t feel so bad, with being half drunk and horny his cock felt pretty good.When Mandy said she was tired of standing and wanted to sit she grabbed my hand and we headed to the sofa. When we both sat down now I could really feel Tom’s cock on my ass. When we sat he naturally put his hands on my thighs since he had nowhere else to put them and we sat there talking to Mandy. I felt tom wiggling a bit and his cock was wedged deep inside my crack. As we both look down Mandy’s costume to those gorgeous tits I felt Tom’s hands start to go up my thighs getting closer to my dick, which was already hard.I felt his fingers reach inside my boxers and pull my cock out and I felt him slowly stroking my cock. I have to admit it felt good, he slowly stroked the length of my cock and I didn’t care anymore that Mandy was there it felt incredible to have my best friend stroking me. Just when I was getting close he stopped and it drove me insane. I wanted that release so bad.When we stood up to go get another drink I felt him pull my boxers down and he must have lowered his too because I felt his hot dick touching my ass as we walked. When we got back and sat down I felt his cock right at the entrance to my ass but without lubricating that was as far as it was going, but it felt so good and that is when I made up my mind I wanted to feel his cock inside of me. He started to stroke me again and every time I got close he stopped. I couldn’t take it anymore and I told Mandy I had to go to the bathroom. As we walked away he whispered you really want my cock don’t you, and I nodded as we approached the bathroom, Once insides I locked the door we unzipped and as I took my arms out Tom pushed me over so my hands were on the sink he found some Vaseline in the cabinet and covered his cock.“Go slow Tom I have never done this before.” And as the words escaped my lips I felt his cock slowly enter me, Oh my god it was the most incredible feeling, between being half as drunk and horny his cock felt amazing as he slowly worked it into my ass. He grabbed a hold of my hips and started to slowly pump his cock into my virgin hole. As I gripped the sink I looked into the mirror and saw what he saw, his best friend bent over slowly getting fucked in the ass.“Oh fuck Tom, that feels so good.”“Dave your ass is so tight I am not going to last much longer.”I felt Tom speed up and he was fucking me hard and furious, his hands holding on to my hips as his cock drove into me.“Oh yes Tom fuck me give it to me, I want you to cum inside of me, I want to feel your cum as it erupts from your dick.”That must have sent Tom over the edge cause I heard him say “Oh SHITTTT Ohhhhhhhh” at that moment I felt his cum erupt inside of me. “Oh yeah man that feels so good.”As he slowly pulled his cock out I felt the emptiness as his cock plopped out, I wanted it back in. I stepped out of the costume turned around and said “my turn now, get on your knees and swallow my cock”Tom did as I said and he got on his knees, I told him to leave his hands by his side I was going to feed him my cock. I took a hold of my hard on and slowly rubbed it all over his face, the pre cum was pouring out after all the times he almost made me cum, I slowly brought my cock to his lips, I told him to keep his lips closed as I rubbed it over them, I pushed my cock past his lips and I entered his mouth.“Suck it Tom”Tom slowly sucked my cock, I could feel his lips circling the head, it felt so good, I was not going to last and as I was getting ready to exploded I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him tighter to me as I started cumming in his mouth, I was cumming so much that some of it leaked out but he didn’t care. Oh my god it felt so good. Finally Tom spoke “lets get the fuck out of here so we can go back to your place and continue this.”“Sounds like a plan to me.” As I smiled back at him thinking what fun we would have that evening. by floridaguy2001 at

Two Friends Share A Halloween Costume

On pensait bien se marrer et  épater la galerie avec ce costume...  

Au fur et à mesure que l'heure de la soirée approchait, je commençais à avoir des doutes que ce soit une bonne idée. Je dis à Tom : -" j'ai pas la forme, mec ! " C'était vrai : je venais juste de divorcer et l'idée de participer à cette soirée venait de lui car il était seul et sa femme passait une semaine chez sa mère.

- "Dave, pourquoi tu te prépares pas ?   Allez, on va se fendre la pêche !"

-"J'peux pas : j'ai pas d'idée de costume..."

-" t'sais quoi ? mon costume à moi est assez grand pour deux et ça fera encore plus impression Pense à la poilade qu'on va se taper : personne ne saura qui est dedans et encore moins que c'est nous deux "

On avait commencé à picoler.

-"Ok, mais on arrive à entrer tous les deux dedans ?  On va avoir très chaud !

-"on va se mettre en boxer"

Je n'ai rien dit, mais toutes sortes de pensées commençaient à s'agiter dans ma tête. Je suis hétéro "pur sucre" et ça me parut bizarre qu''on soit en slip tous les deux, mon meilleur ami et moi, si serrés, peau contre peau...cette idée je la rejetais plutôt...mais je venais de me retrouver seul dans la vie et j'avais besoin de rigoler à ce point bas de mon existence. Je décidai de passer outre mes réticences.

Tom m'attendait, aussi je commençai à me dévêtir et me retrouvai moi aussi en boxer. Tom était assis sur mon lit.

-"Je me demande comment on va faire" dis-je

-" écoute Dave : je suis plus grand que toi, aussi tu iras devant et je me pencherai sur ton dos"

On entra chacun dans le costume comme il disait. On tenta d'avancer. Naturellement on tomba l'un sur l'autre. Il fallait travailler notre coordination. 

Moi je devais garder mes mains le long du corps et Tom se tenir à mes hanches.

Fallait juste qu'on s'entraîne un peu. Quand on a été au point on a posé le costume et on s'est rhabillés. On a garé la voiture dans une allée proche de la maison de nos amis dissimulée aux vues et on a enfilé le costume pour entrer. Assitôt entourés de rires qui fusaient, on a cherché un coin tranquille pour siroter nos verres de ponch ou de sangria, je ne sais plus. Là on pouvait rigoler entre nous de l'effet produit sur les autres. Je remerciai Tom de m'avoir convaincu de venir. L'effet de la boisson commença à se faire sentir et éprouvant le besoin de pisser je dis à Tom on va à la salle de bains. Pour défaire les fermetures éclair par l'intérieur on avait besoin l'un de l'autre. Pour éviter de sortir complètement du costume Tom me dit : tiens moi la bite et dirige le jet vers la cuvette.

-"Non, mais, tête de noeud, tu crois ça que je vais te toucher la bite ? " Tom grogna quelque chose de violent dans "sa barbe". A ce moment j'ai senti sa main dans mon boxer  et me prendre la queue : -"regarde je le fais moi. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de difficile ?" 

Je pissai et fus content de me soulager. Putain, il me la secoua aussi pour les dernières gouttes et la remit à sa place. 

Ensuite il pissa dans son verre et me le donna pour que je le verse dans le WC. On referma les zips du costume et on revint dans la fête. Pendant qu'on marchait, une idée m'éclata dans la tête : Tom et moi venions de passer une ligne que la plupart des amis se refusent à passer.

Je ne tardai pas à penser à autre chose quand une blonde assez dévêtue (Mandy) s'approcha et commença à bavarder. Au bout de quelques instants je me mis à bander. Mais Tom aussi et je sentais sa queue  dans la raie de mes fesses. J'avais déjà tellement bu que, pour dire la vérité, j'en ressentais du bien-être et une certaine excitation...J'ai entendu Tom murmurer une excuse du genre : - "j'y peux rien". 

Mandy m'entra^na vers le sofa, disant qu'elle était fatiguée d'être debout. 

Je dus m'asseoir sur Tom  tout en parlant à Mandy. Je sentis que Tom s'agitait légèrement et sa queue se coinça dans ma raie, profondément.  Comme on considérait tous les deux la majestueuse poitrine de Mandy, Tom voulut sans doute se caresser la bite, mais il caressait la mienne, déjà dure, à la place.

Il me caressait doucement, me branlait. Je dois admettre que bje trouvais ça bon. Croyez-le si vous voulez, alors qu'il me prodiguait ses bontés je n'écoutais plus  Mandy et je me foutais pas mal que ce soit mon meilleur ami qui me branle !  Comme j'appochais de l'orgasme je donnai un coup de coude assez violent à Tom qui s'arrêta. Je ressentis très mal cet arrêt ça me rendait fou ayant atteint l'envie de décharger. Tom m'a à ce moment baissé le boxer.

Nous nous levâmes pour aller chercher à boire. En marchant, sa queue bandée à mort me chatouillait la raie. On s'est rassis mais alors je sentis sa bite à l'entrée de mon cul.   C'était bon ! et là je pris conscience que j'avais envie de me la prendre dans le cul. <il recommença à me branler et chaque fois que j'approchais du non-retour il s'arrêtait. Je n'en pouvais plus. Je dis à Mandy que je devais aller aux  toilettes. Tout en marchant  Tom me dit : -"je crois que tu veux que je te baise, non ? " Je murmurai : -"oui" . Quand on fut dans la salle de bains je pus sortir les bras et là Tom me poussa et je dus m'appuyer au lavabo. Il fouilla la pharmacie et revint avec de la vaseline et en couvrit sa bite. 

-"Tom, vas-y doucement je l'ai jamais fait" Et tandis que ces mots m'échppaient, je sentais que sa verge entrait doucement en moi. Oh Seigneur Dieu c'était une incroyable sensation ! étant à moitié saoûl et excité à mort, sa queue faisait des merveilles en se glissant doucement dans mon cul. Il renforça la prise qu'il avait sur mes hanches et commença à me pistonner mon trou vierge. Je m'agrippais au lavabo et voyais dans le miroir ...ce qu'il pouvait voir lui-même : son meilleur ami cambré pour se faire doucement baiser.

-"Ohhhhhhh. Toooomhhhh c'est si bon !"

-"Davehhh ton cul est si serréhh que je vais plus tenir lontempshhhh"

Je sentis alors Tom accélérer et me baiser bien plus fort, furieusement, tandis que ses mais me serraient les hanches à les broyer et que sa verge puissante faisait des allées et venues dans mon conduit.

-" ohhhh ouihhhh Tomhhhh encule moi à fond, je veux que tu jouisses en moi, je veux sentit ton sperme quand il gicle dedans !"

Ces paroles prononcées avec mes halètements de désir et de bonheur ont dû achever Tom et lui faire passer la limite car je l'ai entendu  dire : -"ohhhhhh M E R D E  ohhhhhhhhhh" Et à ce moment je sentis les palpitations de son sexe qui disaien assez combien il jouissait de moi.

-"oh, mec c'est si bon !"

-"Il retira sa queue doucement avec un léger bruit de succion etje ressentis le vide. 

Je le désirais sans fin. Je nous débarrassai du costume et lui dis - " c'est mon tour maintenant, prends ma queue en bouche, suce moi ! Allez, avale ma queue !  A genoux !

Et Tom Fit ce que je lui dis. Il se mit à genoux les mais sur mes cuisses : j'allais lui faire bouffer ma bite. Je la pris en main et la lui frottai lentement sur tout le visage. Le précum coulait abondamment après le traitement qu'il m'avait fait subir...des fils transparents se promenaient entre son front, son nez, ma queue. Doucement j'avançai mon gland vers ses lèvres -" nouvre pas la bouche !" et je caressais ses lèvres de mon gland congestionné. 

Enfin je fis mine de forcer ses lèvres mais il me laissa entrer... -" allez suce!"Il la suçait lentement, entourant tendrement mon gland. C'était si bon !  J'étais bien prêt d'exploser déjà. Je lui pris la tête et, tandis que je lâchais tout je rapprochai ses lèvres de mon pubis je lui mettais tant de crème que ça débordait sur les côtés de ses lèvres, mais visiblement il s'en foutat. C'était si bon ! 

Finalement Tom parla : -" putain partons d 'ici, on retourne chez-toi et on pourra recommencer"

Je dis - " ça sonne comme un plan pour moi"  Il me répondit de son beau sourire 

tandis que moi aussi j'étais aux anges. Je pensais déjà aux délices ce que ça a llait être cette nuit chez-moi... 

traduit et adapté de l'américain  par cavaillongay  


     , I was cumming so much that some of it leaked out but he didn’t care. Oh my god it felt so good.

Finally Tom spoke “lets get the fuck out of here so we can go back to your place and continue this.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” As I smiled back at him thinking what fun we would have that evening.









Par FLORIDA GUY - Publié dans : LISEZ VISIONNEZ VIDEOS & RECITS FICTIONS FANTASMES - Communauté : Cavaillon communauté gay bi trans lesbienne sur la région
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