Jeudi 17 septembre 4 17 /09 /Sep 06:43

rien n'est acquis encore


mais il t'a laissé aller...


fais-lui sentir ta poigne


couche-le maintenant et fais-lui sentir que tu es le maître de ses plaisirs et le voilà conquis, soumis



flashdoggy: temptingdominance: Not an every day practice, but sometimes as a dominant, it is necessary to be slightly more aggressive in your training. It may be the only way to help ensure the lesson sticks.  The feeling of safety and powerlessness i feel when Sir pulls my hair makes my heart swell. #temptingdominance










domkinkyqueer: inchargedad: boyminds: A true Alpha is, most of all, a protector. He can be strict, ruthless, intense, and aggressive, but above all that he is a loving, caring man who will always take good care of his boy. This is what true power exchange is. However Daddy may treat you sometimes, your safety and well being are always his top priority. In return, you gladly give yourself to Daddy. Hot boy with a sexy grin while being filled with daddy’s dick.











Par A.ASS - Publié dans : ELOGE DU BAREBACK A BAS LES TABOUS & NOKAPOTE - Communauté : Cavaillon communauté gay bi trans lesbienne sur la région
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