Lundi 14 mars 1 14 /03 /Mars 19:02

 mais pourquoi ? plus c'est mal vu et secret, plus c'est interdit, plus c'est trop gros et ça va faire mal plus ça attire...

il faudrait s'appeler les malgré ou les " bien que" .   

.petebrownuk: A BEAUTY, PROPERLY TRAINEDWhen Darren was first enslaved he thought he would spend the rest of his life labouring in the fields. But something about his symmetrical features and wistful expression singled him out as being somehow different from the rest of the slaves being auctioned that day, and he was instead bought by a connoisseur of the male form.Darren needed a few weeks of hard training in the gym - harder than anything he had ever done as a free man - to hone and tone his body to a state of near perfection, and he spend many hours under the sun lamps to give him a delightful pale chestnut hide.  Darren’s owner is a purveyor of slaves who provide sexual services to jaded patrons - rather than buy a succession of sex slaves, such people hire one when needed.  So the slaves need to be excellently skilled in all the arts of sex and capable of understanding what the client wants or needs, and then providing it.  Darren always thought of himself as a rather special lover and had many compliments from his girl friends before enslavement, but now he had to be trained to understand how to use his lips, tongue and fingers to raise female clients to a fever of arousal before his cock went anywhere near them (and many females do not indeed want his cock at all preferring him to bring them to orgasm without it).   Following that it became much more difficult - Darren was “, straight”, but most clients are male  and Darren needed to be lashed almost constantly before he learned to show true enjoyment of the taste of another man’s cock and of his semen, how to breathe when being throat fucked, and how to groan with supposed pleasure when being used anally.  What was particularly hard for Darren to take was being ‘skinned, as he had always enjoyed masturbating himself sliding his foreskin on and off his cock head. Not that this is anyway a problem now as he is forbidden to masturbate and must save all his semen for clients who like to see a good volume. And he knows he will now never sire kids as as the same time a vasectomy was performed to prevent any lady clients subsequently suing his owner if Darren was careless in pulling out, or in using condoms (although most clients want to use him raw).  As he lies there waiting for his next client Darren is wondering if it will be a male or female. If it is a male, will he be old and fat (most men hiring fit young men like Darren are). Or if it is a female will she insist on him being “nailed” to prevent unsightly streams of semen?  He hates that  - when the shaft of the “nail” is inserted down his urethra it hurts, as it does when afterwards the head of the “nail” that just covers the tip of his cock has to be unstuck from the superglue that holds it in place (not to mention the pain in his balls from not being able to fir properly!).  He’s rather stoical about it though - after all he understands he’s a slave, and has no choice.  He’s just a performing animal now, hired to bring a hours enjoyment to  his owner’s clients..

c'est partti de là :



«  sa queue était incroyable , » je bavais devant. Je restais bloqué sur celle-ci, si longue, bien droite, et surtout tellement épaisse entre ses cuisses légèrement poilues et bien musclées. Des cuisses de footballeur, de sportif, avec entre celles-ci une bonne paire de couilles qui pendaient bien, surement à cause de tout ce foutre qu’il devait y avoir dedans. Et puis entre les deux cette tige très veinée totalement durcie et à la verticale, surplombée par une toison pubienne brunne. Je me léchais les lèvres, je m’approchais doucement, j’allais lécher cette queue incroyable quand mon frère me bloqua d’un geste la tête et tapa sa tige épaisse sur mon visage.  PRENEZ LE TEMPS DE LIRE  


  Submission: Already posted it, but it’s definitely worth a repost, yum! Wonder if the guy waiting outside is the cuck 😈  incroyable

à mon corps défendant

joes1026: I woke up to what felt like a tickle, like a feather on my back, the feeling drawing me from sleep into consciousness.  It moved across my upper back, light, stroking, making me shift my shoulders slightly lifting to it, to the touch, to…..his fingers.  That’s what it was…. I hadn’t heard him come home the way I almost always did, didn’t hear him come into my room.  I stayed up late, half hoping but when it was past 2,  I finally turned off the light and fell asleep. I’d been with him tonight as he got ready to go out, chatting with him, hanging with him as changed into better clothes than he usually wore, not that I liked them.  To me he always looked best in jeans and a tee shirt, or nothing….but he was going on a date, first one in a longer than I could  remember and he wanted to look good. He always looked good and not just to me.  The woman he was seeing tonight……I shook my head, being jealous wasn’t cool…. He’d run his hand through my hair, too short now for him to ruffle the way he used to, grabbed his coat, gave me a wink and said “Wish me luck, kid” and headed for his truck.  I did wish him luck, even though my cock was mounding hard in my jeans.   I could tell by the light in the room it must have been about 4, with day break still an hour or more away.  His fingers traced over my back, stroking my muscles, running down the valley of my spine, so soft, so insistent, his touch raising the hairs on my body, sending the blood rushing to my cock, fat and hard under me.  I heard the bed creak as he pulled the sheets all the way off me as he put his legs on either side of mine. He leaned down to my neck, his lips pressing softly, his tongue softly licking, tasting my skin.  I could smell a trace of bourbon, the dark scent of tobacco on his breath, mixed in with the body spray he’d used tonight.  Body spray!  This guy….I shifted under him, my body responding to his touch no matter how still I tried to stay.   His hands were on either sides of my chest now, his fingers reaching under, searching for my nips, finding them hard already.  He flicked over them and I put my head into the pillow, muffling my moans.  He kept his hands hard on my body and moved them down either side, pressing, feeling, stroking as his mouth, his tongue, did the same to my back, stopping at the top of my ass. I lay there. waiting, his fingers pressing down on the softer flesh of my upper ass, his thumbs rubbing in circular motions, his legs shifting, his hairy thighs brushing on mine.  He leaned into me now, running his hands back up, brushing his chest hair on my back, his boned dick, slapping my ass cheeks, slipping in my crack, dragging slowly through the coarse hair of my trench.  He was breathing hard, low, wordless sounds coming from deep in his throat. I wanted to turn my head, to see him, to look at him, to kiss him but I knew I couldn’t.  I’d done that once before and he’d gone blank, gotten carefully out of my bed and padded away and didn’t return for weeks.  I couldn’t look, couldn’t respond, at least not that way, not yet. He dropped his hands to my ass, rough, calloused palms rubbing my cheeks, pulling and groping and feeling me, up pulling my butt cheeks apart, thumbs pressing in my crack.  He buried his nose in my trench, tongue lapping hungrily from the small of my back, lightly over my pucker to my taint.  He breathed me in, sucked and licked and got my curlies in his teeth.  His fingers worked at my hole now, rubbing, probing, pressing inside me. I still couldn’t look at him but it was impossible to stay still.  I pushed back at him, pushed my ass up on his mouth, arched my butt so he could get his fingers, and now his tongue inside me.   There was a low-throated thrum coming from him as he ate me out, lapped and licked and dug deep in my musky sweaty hole, wet now with his spit.  I bucked back on him, grunting and moaning and cursing under my breath, telling him in the only way he’d hear that I wanted it, wanted him, wanted whatever he’d give me.   I felt his cock, so hard, the head of his dick so thick, slobbering precum on my thighs, then pressed into my nuts, rubbing on my sac till I was silently begging him to take it off my nuts before he made me cum, his dick feeling enormous even though I knew he and I were almost identical like that. Now he had his boned dick pulsing, riding  hard in my crack, the sweat from my ass, his precum lubing the slick, hot ride.  I pushed up my ass, begging for it now, needing him in me The head of his dick pressed at my hole, my pucker clenching closed the way it always did, even with me pushing back at him.  I felt him grab the base of his cock push at my pucker slow, inch by inch, rough past muscled ring, making me gasp with the pain of it, biting my lips to keep from crying out.  He stopped for a second but I pushed back, riding through the pain, him pushing all his cock inside me, the head of his dick hitting my prostate, all pain gone, fucking bliss, stretching my hole open, ramming deep in my guts, the feel of his bull nuts slapping mine, the feel of his groin grinding into my butt cheeks, scratching me with his fur. He leaned in close to me, his dick pumping steady and hard inside me, his head touching mine, his breath coming fast as his cock slapped my insides, hitting hard, my cock jumping, leaking, my nuts churning with his dick banging me hard.  He brushed his lips over my ear, so low it was like a whisper, I heard him say, “My boy”. And I shot, spurted, unloaded ropes of cum under me, on the bed, hitting my belly, those words, his slamming cock driving it out of me. I pushed in hard, deep, holding his cock in me, shuddering as his seed shot deep, splashing my guts, drowning my hole with hot cum, his throbbing bone deep in me spilling every drop inside my bruised butthole. He collapsed on top of me then, his dick still in my ass, glued to each other with cum and spit and sweat, his hands reaching under me and holding me tight while I reached back, stroked his body, felt his lips on my neck, nuzzling into me.   Still silent….maybe not always….. But that’s okay. He’s my Dad, man.  He’s my Dad.

il s'est montré plus fort

petebrownuk: A BEAUTY, PROPERLY TRAINEDWhen Darren was first enslaved he thought he would spend the rest of his life labouring in the fields. But something about his symmetrical features and wistful expression singled him out as being somehow different from the rest of the slaves being auctioned that day, and he was instead bought by a connoisseur of the male form.Darren needed a few weeks of hard training in the gym - harder than anything he had ever done as a free man - to hone and tone his body to a state of near perfection, and he spend many hours under the sun lamps to give him a delightful pale chestnut hide.  Darren’s owner is a purveyor of slaves who provide sexual services to jaded patrons - rather than buy a succession of sex slaves, such people hire one when needed.  So the slaves need to be excellently skilled in all the arts of sex and capable of understanding what the client wants or needs, and then providing it.  Darren always thought of himself as a rather special lover and had many compliments from his girl friends before enslavement, but now he had to be trained to understand how to use his lips, tongue and fingers to raise female clients to a fever of arousal before his cock went anywhere near them (and many females do not indeed want his cock at all preferring him to bring them to orgasm without it).   Following that it became much more difficult - Darren was “, straight”, but most clients are male  and Darren needed to be lashed almost constantly before he learned to show true enjoyment of the taste of another man’s cock and of his semen, how to breathe when being throat fucked, and how to groan with supposed pleasure when being used anally.  What was particularly hard for Darren to take was being ‘skinned, as he had always enjoyed masturbating himself sliding his foreskin on and off his cock head. Not that this is anyway a problem now as he is forbidden to masturbate and must save all his semen for clients who like to see a good volume. And he knows he will now never sire kids as as the same time a vasectomy was performed to prevent any lady clients subsequently suing his owner if Darren was careless in pulling out, or in using condoms (although most clients want to use him raw).  As he lies there waiting for his next client Darren is wondering if it will be a male or female. If it is a male, will he be old and fat (most men hiring fit young men like Darren are). Or if it is a female will she insist on him being “nailed” to prevent unsightly streams of semen?  He hates that  - when the shaft of the “nail” is inserted down his urethra it hurts, as it does when afterwards the head of the “nail” that just covers the tip of his cock has to be unstuck from the superglue that holds it in place (not to mention the pain in his balls from not being able to fir properly!).  He’s rather stoical about it though - after all he understands he’s a slave, and has no choice.  He’s just a performing animal now, hired to bring a hours enjoyment to  his owner’s clients.

      «eh oui ! ce fut une lutte...perdue. Le pire a été de s'entendre gé  allez savoir pourquoi, les seuls mots qui sortirent de ma bouche furent « j’aime ça ». Moi, Yohan, pur hétéro, du genre à sodomiser des filles et à les faire hurler, à leur donner des orgasmes, à leur jouir à la gueule, je me retrouvais avec une queue énorme dans le cul, je me retrouvais à me faire enculer comme une véritable salope ». 

Par YOHAN - Publié dans : VIVRE SA SEXUALITE, SES FANTASMES - Communauté : Cavaillon communauté gay bi trans lesbienne sur la région
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Dimanche 13 mars 7 13 /03 /Mars 18:42

  entrée dans le nirvana 1.

Inédit et c'est à suivre ...  

LUI--- Son air à la fois sévère et doux m'envoyait des décharges dans le plexus solaire qui se répandaient dans mon ventre jusque dans mon sexe. Je n'arrivais pas à comprendre pourquoi. Seule l'existence d'un fluide chamanique ou magique pourrait l'expliquer. Il y avait aussi son odeur. Non, je devrais dire parfum, mais ça émanait directement de lui, aromatique.. et strictement humain.  


MOI  Cette musique et ces paroles me hantaient :  «J'arrive à me glisser juste avant que les portes ne se referment
Elle me dit "quel étage" et sa voix me fait quitter la terre ferme
Alors, les chiffres dansent, tout se mélange
Je suis en tête-à-tête avec un ange

En apesanteur
Pourvu que les secondes soient des heures
En apesanteur
Pourvu qu'on soit les seuls dans cet ascenseur

Elle arrange ses cheveux, j'ai le coeur juste au bord des yeux
Et sans la regarder je sens la chaleur d'un autre langage
Alors, les yeux rivés sur les étages
Pourvu que rien n'arrête le voyage

En apesanteur
Pourvu que les secondes soient des heures
En apesanteur
Pourvu qu'on soit les seuls dans cet ascenseur, dans cet ascenseur

J'arrive à me glisser juste avant que les portes ne se referment
    En apesanteur
Pourvu que les secondes soient des heures
En apesanteur
Pourvu qu'on soit les seuls dans cet ascenseur, en apesanteur
Pourvu que les secondes soient des heures, en apesanteur
Pourvu qu'on soit les seuls dans cet ascenseur »

  Et c'est autant un souhait qu'une crainte  


  Depuis, chaque nuit, je fais des rêves étranges. Des rêves érotiques comme je n’en avais jamais fait. Des sexes d’homme au repos. Je les caresse pour les faire bander et chaque fois, alors que je vais pouvoir les faire me pénétrer, le sperme jaillit et s’étale en flaques inutiles. Je crie : « Un enfant, faites-moi un enfant ! »  Lancé, je crie maintenant de peur et de plaisir. Allez plus loin.

LUI  «- Plus loin mon  enfant ?  Comment ça ? » .

 MOI « - Tout ! j'accepte tout, je veux tout...toute la longueur ! je veux savoir ! »  

LUI  « - Pourquoi veux-tu savoir ? . tu te souviens du plaisir que tu as eu de nos fantaisies et tu veux y regoûter n'est-ce pas...en mieux...en plus fort en plus vrai, n'est-ce pas ?  tout de suite... ou dans un proche avenir,n'est-ce pas ? ». Sa voix suave et chaleureuse se grave directement dans mes tripes..    


      « - Oui, tout !  » 

  « - même l'inconnu, le "jamais atteint" ? même celui que n'approuveraient pas vos parents ?  »

     « - Oui, tout ! tout ! tout !  » Maintenant je suppliais.


     Ma mémoire rejetait le souvenir de mes angoisses passées, des mauvaises pensées à des conséquences indésirables...

«- Il va falloir bien du gel respirer à fond ....les poppers... les poppers  les poppers » je l'entendais comme dans un rêve, il était rien ne pouvait rien arrê on était seuls, absolument seuls cette fois...


  Quand, la dernière fois, Jacky, comptant sur une surprise, avait abaissé le dernier rempart de tissu et que je me  retrouvai à quelques centimètres d’un mandrin qui pendait le long des cuisses, cette bite au repos d'abord me parut sortie de l'impossible.  

La mienne qui fait déjà 19 cm en érection sur 4 de large paraissait dérisoire. J’en restais baba. Comme un imbécile je ne trouvai à dire qu'un stupide :
- " Ca alors ! C’est de la queue ! " 

    Son sexe bien séparé de sa fourrure. Énorme, gros, long, des poils sur une bonne longueur de la hampe avec un gland gros en proportion. En fait il était épais aussi, mais ça ne comptait pas autant que sa longueur. Si vous voulez évaluer sa mesure pensez qu'étalé sur mon ventre il touchait sous mes côtes.

Jacky qui fut le témoin de la première rencontre me demanda : - " tu voudrais te la prendre ? goûte-la ! "

Malgré ma terreur j’obéis et appuyai mes lèvres sur le pieu qui venait  d’apparaître. Ce pieu semble fait de chair, il palpite. C’est en réalité une énorme verge et mes deux mains qui s’appuient, recouvrent à peine le gland. "

         Son engin tape contre ses cuisses à chaque mouvement.

Bien qu'il joue les guides Jacky conserve un regard curieux sur ce sexe inhabituel vraiment hors norme, et surtout curieux de ce qui va se passer. Je sens, au bout de quelques instants, que mon entrecuisse s’est soudain replacée, les lèvres de mon anus se sont dilatées et gonflées sous l'effet du violent désir. Je sens aussi qu'il s'ouvre tout seul et doit révéler cette belle couleur rouge vermillon de l'intérieur, de la chair vive et à vif, il se peut qu'il soit tout ruisselant de mouille, et autant bandé et crispé que  !   J'imagine le contact étroit entre ma chair et SA chair. J'en reçois un message brûlant et immora.

   LUI  l’a aussi remarqué et sa bite semble de plus en plus lourde et longue mais elle pend toujours. Jacky approche donc sa main et saisit cette bite douce et chaude. Il me suggère de cette voix amicale, paternelle et satanique :
- " Met toi à genoux, tu seras plus à ton aise pour tâter le morceau ! "

Je suis sûr que vous, vous rigolez devant le comique de cette situation mais moi, je suis subjugué. La queue a pris vie et fait des soubresauts dans sa main. Je me mets donc à genoux et commence à caresser ce gode vivant taille XXL. A chaque caresse sur son gland, je le vois prendre du volume. Les veines saillantes forment un lacis enchevêtré sous la peau tendue. Il est devenu d’une grosseur monstrueuse et encore plus désirable....









  comme ça ? non, il faut imaginer plus long, beaucoup plus long 

mightymeatycock: Nate and I had been friends for about ten years. We were co-workers and got to be good Friday night drinking buddies. Nate was straight, but the whole gay/str8 thing was never a deal between us. I played his wingman a few times, helping him score with a particular girl, and though we rarely went to any of the big gay clubs, he did the same for me. He had a hysterically funny conversation one night with a really thirsty chaser dude who burst into tears because he was sure Nate and I were a couple. We both had a pretty long dry spell this summer. Nate and his gf Cori broke up after a few years together, and his mojo for landing girls seemed to be off. Then again, he was 35 and trying to score college girls. He’d beefed out a bit and had a little gray coming in here and there. I though he looked great, but the undergrad girls were not having any of it. We’d never really talked about sex much, but one night, when he and I were trading sob stories at his place, he complained about missing the feel of a pussy on his dick. “No blow jobs from women?” I asked.“Naaahh,” he said. “They just can’t….well, it’s not something I get an offer for very often.”I’d broken up with Carl, and he asked me why. Was he an asshole? No, kinda boring, but a very nice guy. Nate kept at it. “So why’d you break up, Ben?” “Uh, okay. How can I say this? He had some….shortcomings,” I replied. Nate started laughing. “What? I need a certain skill set, man….and a certain size,” I said, between giggles. “I’m a big dude, and three inches isn’t really gonna cut it!” I took a swig from my beer, and got up from the couch to grab another from his fridge.Nate was standing behind the couch. He’d taken his shirt off, and had jocked down his shorts under his nuts.And holy fucking fuck, Nate was huge. I hadn’t ever noticed a bulge on him, but dude was packing a fucking anaconda dick. And it was getting hard. “Dude,” he said, rolling his eyes upward. “You could have just asked a friend for help. Some of us have what you need.” We helped each other that night, Nate making me cum hands free, just by sliding and riding and ramming his big cock inside of me. And he got the tightest, hungriest pussy he’s had in a while. I’m getting kind of addicted to that big dick, to the way he looks in my eyes when he’s nutting a load in my ass, the noises he makes when I’m sucking him. 

graines: .                                                        


  Je sentais que ça plaisait à Jacky d'orchestrer l'opération.

et moi je le ressentais comme mon témoin protecteur susceptible d'arrêter si nécessaire. Il me positionna en vue de la suite. Le sexe était en "demi-molle" mais, avec du lube il pouvait rentrer. Le voilà sur ma rondelle. Jacky le maintient. Doucement, doucement, je sens déjà le bout du sexe prendre place à lintérieur de mon  tube, déjà, je crois, mes yeux commençaient à se révulser, je voyais trouble.   Sans ça j'aurais eu du mal à le supporter mais ce que j'appelle "plaisir" rejetait très loin l'idée de douleur fatalement présente...Juste pour tester l'efficacité de Jacky je dis :

-Arrêtez ! J'ai mal !

Sans déculer on marqua une courte pause. Je n'insistai pas et me tus.

Ils ne mécoutaient plus déjà. LUI  continuait à me l'enfoncer, difficilement mais ça rentrait et ça distendait à mort mon boyau, je le sentais de plus en plus dur et gonflé, jessayais de l'aider en me détendant pour qu'il ne me fasse pas trop mal, il continua à me pénétrer. Un bon morceau est déjà bien dedans, il continua à avancer, petit à petit jusquau moment où je leur fis signe darrêter !

Plus de peur que de mal mais je dis : - Je n'en peux plus ! On va arrêter ici ! j'arrive pas à...

    Mais nos sexes ne nous obéissent plus une fois entrés et font ce que leur nature leur impose...quite à violer.  dun coup sec et brutal, il me pénétra plus profondément ! Toute cette immense chose est maintenant pénétrée complètement dans mon cul.
Cette bite prenait la place encore libre auparavant dans mon intestin et mes organes.. J'exhalais de l'air par ma bouche haletante. Bien que shooté je dis :
-Ahh Jacky ! ohh ! Je ne pouvais pas m'empêcher de manifester la grande douleur que j'avais sentie ! jai crié fort pendant cet acte brutal et rapide ! Je sentais un tronc d'arbre enfoncé dans mon cul. Au début, son gland juste enfoncé on était encore à 40 cm l'un de l'autre, mais maintenant il me tenait par les épaules et commençait à me baiser en va et vient mais doucement, profondément évidemment.
-Continue dit Jacky surexcité,  dans ce rythme !
-Oui chéri, ça te plait nest ce pas ? Tu veux que je te baise plus vite que ça ?

-Non, continues comme ça dans ce rythme, c'est bon, c'est excitant, mais pas plus ... !  


  LUI   a initié un mouvement qu'il ne faisait pas auparavant cela semblait agir en rotations douces qui provoquaient en moi des vibrations intenses mais petites et arythmiques puis longues et soutenues puis de nouveau et tout de suite longues, ténues et après intenses et une fois dans l'autre lâchait un type de décharge électrique qui contractait mon sphincter, ces petits chocs étaient trop nombreux et j'ai commencé à gèmir de plaisir, parcouru d'ondes et de frissons et me tordant les mains , Mon anus dilaté à bloc et "électrocuté" me demandait  à grands cris intérieurs de retirer le monstre inséré en mon intestin et j'étais sans pouvoir faire rien, les minutes passaient, j' essayais de le dissimuler mais chaque décharge m'ébranlait. Jacky s'est offert à m'aider, je lui ai dit dans une voix inconnue et féminine ne sachant si j'étais en danger ou en sécurité, ne voulant pas que ça cesse," Non, j suis sûr que ça va aller, merci" Je ne pouvais que murmurer, chuchoter...celui qui dirigeait mes pas immobiles me caressait partout d'un air étonné de mon état, frôlant mes mains...Forcément je lui trouvais l'air hypocrite... Il a dit "Tu peux me dire ce qu'il t'arrive ? " Puis, "si tu te voyais, tu parais complètement shooté ". Justement, c'est la descente qui était trop brutale. Je serais bien resté dans cet état, voire mieux et plus ... 

On arrêta là, déçus peut-être, mais je sentais que ce n'était que partie remise...peut-être sans Jacky...  






goantinoo3565:More than 35,900 posts. Follow me at Nirvana


    I Love Bareback - Sex - Voiture Autocollant / Sticker For Car Bike Van Camper Bumper Sign Decal




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    à suivre...sans Jacky        

   *   Alana Filippi, Calogero, Gioacchino 2002

mecbdx: Your darkest side is here…



jacksnewdick: How we fuck🍌251.













Par MAC SIMUM - Publié dans : VIVRE SA SEXUALITE, SES FANTASMES - Communauté : Cavaillon communauté gay bi trans lesbienne sur la région
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Dimanche 13 mars 7 13 /03 /Mars 06:20

enculer le 3e...


on se met d'accord : "- vas-y toi le premier"   

guygear: Party Time!

et le troisième n'en est que plus content !



     celui-ci a une grosse bite, mais



c'est lui qui va se faire enculer !


je compris aux regards échangés que


j'allais "y passer"


débordé par leur excitation à me prendre...


...mes résolutions se sont effondrées

et ils ont fait de moi ce qu'ils ont voulu


victime ? certes non !

sirpvr9: Lucky boy.#SirPVR 😎

et prêt à recommencer



je vais avoir mon tour tkt !






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  Brute Club Brent Taylor UKNakedMen Gay Porn 





Par GAY1+2 - Publié dans : VIVRE SA SEXUALITE, SES FANTASMES - Communauté : Cavaillon communauté gay bi trans lesbienne sur la région
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Mercredi 9 mars 3 09 /03 /Mars 00:30

c'est la fê le rêve qui commencent  

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    Résultat de recherche d'images pour "ongles de garçon rongés"  I finger you because I want to feel you. Now be quiet and let me play.   






What if his eyes were really that blue?What if his eyes were really that blue?


  USA "I finger you because I want to feel you. Now be quiet and let me play." 

  Photoset (3 images)

  Je te doigte parce que je veux te sentir. Maintenant sois calme et laisse-moi jouer.

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opposite-of-a-problem: ass eating



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Par MAURESME - Publié dans : VIVRE SA SEXUALITE, SES FANTASMES - Communauté : Cavaillon communauté gay bi trans lesbienne sur la région
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Mardi 8 mars 2 08 /03 /Mars 06:55

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Par MARESME - Publié dans : VIVRE SA SEXUALITE, SES FANTASMES - Communauté : Cavaillon communauté gay bi trans lesbienne sur la région
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