Jeudi 1 janvier 4 01 /01 /Jan 08:46


homoerotics: zephtastic: here is it bigger since I’m dumb and you can’t click the original post to see it bigger “It’s just rain,” Dean says, but he’s smiling, hand sliding between Castiel’s feathers just to watch his wing shake and shower raindrops everywhere. “I do not like the rain. It is cold and it is wet and it causes illness,” Castiel pouts, tightening his grip on Dean’s jacket, currently wrapped around his head. “What, like the sniffles?” Dean asks, because it’s hard to believe that someone who can push trees over with ease—and he watched it happen, so he knows Castiel wasn’t exaggerating about his strength—is afraid of a cold. “Sniffles?” Castiel repeats, and Dean realizes he needs to clarify. “Yeah, a cold, like, when your nose gets all full of mucus and your nose is runny and you sneeze a lot.” “Oh. Yes, then. The rain causes the sniffles. I do not like the rain or the sniffles.” Dean laughs and wiggles closer, getting sprayed with more water as Castiel’s wings rustle and shake the more skin Dean presses against Castiel’s own. “We’ve got a cure for the sniffles back home. It’s called soup. If you catch a cold, how about I make you some?” Castiel turns to him, face pink from the cold as rain dribbles down his from his hair, and tilts his head. His eyebrows furrow, making him look irritated, but Dean recognizes it as his thinking expression, usually used when he tries finding a way to translate Enochian into English. Eventually Castiel makes a noise, finished thinking, and his wings pull in tighter over their heads while the rain continues to fall. “I normally do not wish for the sniffles, but I would like to try this soup.” “Hey, I don’t want you to get sick, Cas. I’ll make you soup either way.” “Alright then,” Castiel nods, turning his head away, but Dean still catches the excited smile on his face, and he can’t help but grin at Castiel’s wonder over something as simple as chicken soup.

il y a ici, désormais, de quoi passer une bonne paire d'heures à l'abri, que ce soit dans l'actu ou dans les archives . Merci au "club" des 300 fidèles. Bises à tous. claudio

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