Ronin était le seul garçon à faire partie de l’équipe de cheerleaders (pom pom girls) de son école à Folsom en Californie. D’après plusieurs de
ses camarades, c’est à partir de ce moment-là que plusieurs autres élèves l’ont insulté avec des injures homophobes.
Monde | 08.12.2014 - 11 h 54 | 4 COMMENTAIRES
États-Unis: Un enfant de 12 ans se suicide après des insultes homophobes
Ronin Shimizu était régulièrement harcelé car il avait appartenu à l'équipe de cheerleaders de son école.
À 12 ans, Ronin Shimizu s’est donné la mort mercredi 3 décembre, rapporte le Sacramento Bee. D’après sa famille et ses proches, c’est le harcèlement homophobe dont il a été la victime pendant plusieurs
mois qui l’a poussé à se suicider. L’an dernier, Ronin était le seul garçon à faire partie de l’équipe de cheerleaders de son école à Folsom en Californie. D’après plusieurs de ses camarades,
c’est à partir de ce moment-là que plusieurs autres élèves l’ont insulté avec des injures homophobes.
Malgré les plaintes de ses parents auprès de l’établissement scolaire, la situation a empiré et Ronin a alors dû quitter cette école et a
poursuivi sa scolarité à domicile. Son ancienne école assure avoir suivi le protocole et avoir eu les réactions appropriées pour chacun des actes qu’on lui a signalés. Les responsables de
l’établissement soulignent que la police n’a pour l’instant établi aucun lien de causalité entre la mort du jeune garçon et le harcèlement dont il fut la victime.
Photo via Facebook
Tous des anges que nous chérissons dans nos coeurs
Suicide of Tyler Clementi
Tyler Clementi (December 19, 1991–September 22, 2010) was an
eighteen-year-old student at Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey, who jumped to his death
from the George Washington Bridge on September 22, 2010. His roommate, Dharun Ravi, and a fellow hallmate, Molly Wei, used iChat between a webcam on Ravi's computer and a computer in Wei's dorm
room to view, without Clementi's knowledge, Clementi kissing another man.

Jamie Hubley, Gay 15-Year-Old Ottawa, Canada Teen Commits
Suicide, Cites Depression, School Troubles
First Posted: 10/17/11 12:37 PM ET Updated: 10/18/11 09:55 AM ET
Jamie Hubley, a gay
15-year-old from Ottawa, Canada, committed suicide on Friday.
The 10th grade student documented his life, including his depression and the hardships of being a gay teen, in a blog, reports the Ottawa Citizen.
The blog, called "You Can't Break... When You're Already Broken" featured posts with numerous references to and photos of self harm and cutting, pictures of guys kissing and mentions of wanting a
boyfriend, and bleak, ominous messages like "Sometimes I wish the breeze would just take me with it," "The only thing worse than being hated is being ignored. At least when they hate you they
treat you like you exist," and "Suicides is always an option."
Other posts revealed how difficult school was for Hubley:
"I hate being the only open gay guy in my school… It f***ing sucks, I really want to end it. Like all of it, I not getting better theres 3 more years of highschool left, Iv been on 4 different
anti -depressants, none of them worked. I’v been depressed since january, How f***ing long is this going to last. People said “It gets better”. Its f***ing bull****. I go to see psychologist,
What the f*** are they suppost to f***ing do? All I do is talk about problems, it doesnt make them dissapear?? I give up."


Gay Tennessee
Teen Who Committed Suicide Was Bullied Relentlessly
More than one hundred classmates of
Phillip Parker, who was
just 14 when he committed suicide Friday, were quick to contact Parker’s parents to tell them that he
was the victim of relentless anti-gay bullying. Phillip Parker’s parents told the media they had contacted the school numerous times to complain about the bullying, but it’s unclear what, if
anything, administrators at Gordonsville High School, in Gordonsville, Tennessee, did. Tonight, Phillip’s parents and grandparents are scheduled to meet with school officials.
The front page of the Gordonsville High School website claims:
The mission of GHS is to help all students become responsible, self-directed learners capable of functioning in today’s ever-changing society. GHS is committed to helping all students develop the
skills necessary to thrive in the face of life’s challenges. This will take place in a secure environment free from violence, drugs, and fear.
- snip -
Here's what the Phillip's grandfather Paul Harris had to say about him:
"A sweet kind person like Phillip took it out on himself, he killed himself to get out of the pain." "Because he was gay, he got mistreated physically, mentally by several people out there at the
school, and I am very resentful as a result of it." “After he did what he did, we found out a lot that we didn’t know and there is a lot of bullying that goes on at the school.”

Tragic news to report from Indiana. Like Jaheem Herrera, Carl Walker-Hoover, and Eric Mohat,
15-year-old Billy Lucas' suicide appears to have been inspired by anti-gay bullying
at school.
Reports local station WXIN:
"The 15-year-old never told anyone he was gay but students at Greensburg High School thought he was and so they picked on him. 'People would call him 'fag' and stuff like that, just make fun of
him because he's different basically,' said student Dillen Swango. Students told Fox59 News it was common knowledge that children bullied Billy and from what they said, it was getting worse. Last
Thursday, Billy's mother found him dead inside their barn. He had hung himself. Students said on that same day, some students told Billy to kill himself. 'They said stuff like 'you're like a
piece of crap' and 'you don't deserve to live.' Different things like that. Talked about how he was gay or whatever,' said Swango."
WTHR reports:
"Friends of Lucas say that he had been tormented for years. 'Some people at school called him names,' Hughes said, saying most of those names questioned Lucas' sexual orientation, and that Lucas,
for the most part, did little to defend himself. 'He would try to but people would just try to break him down with words and stuff and just pick on him,' Hughes said."

Carl Walker, 11 years old, Commits Suicide because of
As the aunt of six nephews and one niece you can't imagine how much this story saddens and pisses me off all at the same time. This is a prime eample of what we do to people when we perceive them
as different in our society. This story of little Carl is so heartbreaking, but it should be used as a reality check to us all. There is no reason why this young boy shouldn't be with his
Via :
The mother of an
11-year-old sixth-grader who committed suicide by wrapping an extension cord around his neck and hanging himself says her son’s death could have been prevented
-- he was a victim of school bullying, she says.
Sirdeaner L. Walker said she found her son
Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover dead on the second floor of their Springfield, Mass.

Gay Iowa Teen Commits Suicide Over
Alleged Bullying
by Jason St. Amand
Web Producer / Staff Writer
Wednesday Apr 18, 2012
14-year-old high school student recently took his own life after being harassed by classmates because he is gay, the NBC South Dakota affiliate station KTIV reported.
Kenneth Weishuhn, a freshman at South O’Brien High School, committed suicide last weekend after allegedly being bullied.
O’Brien County is located in northwest Iowa about 210 miles away from Des Moines.
Last month the teen reportedly told his friends that he was gay.

Canadian Trans Teen’s Sudden Death May Have Been Bullying-Related Suicide
The small town of Chatham, Ontario has been rocked by the sudden death of
Coltyn Mayrand, a
16-year-old trans teen who passed away Saturday night.
There is some question, though, as to the cause of Mayrand’s death: He’s believed to have committed suicide, though no official report has been made public. And though family members admit Coltyn
was bullied for being trans, they say it wasn’t the root of his problems:
“As much as bullying is a terrible thing, and may have affected Coltyn, we do not believe that bullying played a large part in our loss of Coltyn,” posted Page Elizabeth Mayrand on Facebook. “We
appreciate the kind thoughts and words, but we don’t need everyone out there putting blame and criticisms on anyone, for any reasons.”

Seth Walsh: 13-Yr Old Commits
Suicide After Bullying (Video)
by jazpiri | September 29, 2010 at 06:41 am
Seth Walsh, a 13-year-old boy from Tehachapi, California, has committed suicide after being bullied by classmates over his sexual orientation.
How did Seth Walsh die?
KGET-TV reported that Seth Walsh died Tuesday, September 28 after spending nine days on life support after hanging himself from a tree in his yard.
Seth Walsh's classmates say the 13-year-old was repeatedly bullied for being gay.

I'm afraid I must deliver some more bad, horribly familiar news: a
19-year old college student named
Raymond Chase has committed suicide. Chase, a student of
culinary arts at Johnson & Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island, hung himself for reasons that remain unclear. Regardless of his motive, this is a horrible tragedy.
The gay group Campus Pride sent out a statement about Chase's death: "The loss of Raymond this week is the second college LGBT-related suicide in a week and the fifth teenage LGBT suicide in
three weeks. The suicide of this openly gay young man is for reasons currently unknown; however, the recent pattern of LGBT youth suicides is cause for grave concern,” remarked the group's
executive director, Shane Windmeyer.

Sunday, February 5, 2012
Family, friends hold vigil for bullied
gay teen who committed suicide
Staff Reports
CASHMERE, Wash. — Family and friends gathered for a candlelight vigil on Friday evening to remember
14-year-old Rafael Morelos, who hanged himself on Sunday, Jan. 29. Rafael was
openly gay, and friends said he was bullied because of it.
Rafael’s mother, Malinda Morelos, said said she did not know that her son was bullied until students at another vigil earlier in the week told her.
“Almost all the kids here told me he was being bullied,” Morelos told the Wenatchee World.
Morelos said she had known for several years that her son was gay, but that he kept his feelings to himself — she said she she had no idea what he was going through.

Brandon Bitner Commits Suicide After Anti-Gay
by Amy Judd | November 9, 2010 at 02:45 pm
Brandon Bitner, 14, Committed Suicide Last Week By Running Into the Path of a Tractor-Trailer in Pennsylvania
Bitner left behind a note saying that he was tired of being called names such as 'faggot' and 'sissy' and said he wanted to call attention to the problem of bullying. He started attending
Midd-West High School in Midddleburg this year but never told his family or the school that he was being bullied so badly.
He never disclosed his sexual orientation, but Bitner now becomes another youth who has taken his life after being subjected to name calling and bullying in his school.

Asher Brown: 13-Yr-Old Commits
Suicide over Bullying
by Jordan Yerman | September 29, 2010 at 01:57 pm
Asher Brown, a 13-year-old student at Hamilton Middle School in Cypress, Texas, shot himself to death on September 23. Asher Brown's parents say that he was "bullied to death",
picked on for two years by bullies at school.
Asher Brown was bullied for being gay; he came out to his stepfather, David Truong, on the morning of his death.
Amy and David Truong say that they complained to the school about the bullying of Asher several times, but nothing was ever done. Cypress-Fairbanks School District spokeswoman Kelli Durham denies
that any complaints were made.

The recent 'bullycide' deaths of Eric Mohat and Carl Walker-Hoover certainly weren't the first, and won't likely be the last, but I didn't expect to read this story about
Herrera, which is similar in almost every aspect to Walker-Hoover's, just one week later.
And like Walker-Hoover's, it includes a school tone-deaf to a mother's concerns, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reports:
"On Thursday afternoon, after returning home from Dunaire Elementary School, Jaheem quietly went into his room and hanged himself. His 10-year-old sister, Yerralis, also a fifth-grader,
discovered Jaheem’s dead body. 'His sister was screaming, ‘Get him down, get him down,’' said Norman Keene, who helped raise Jaheem since the boy was two years old. When Keene got to the room, he
saw Yerralis holding her brother, trying to remove the pressure of the noose her brother had fashioned with a fabric belt. Jaheem was bullied relentlessly, his family said. Keene said the family
knew the boy was a target, but until his death they didn’t understand the scope. 'We’d ask him, ‘Jaheem, what’s wrong with you?’' Keene recalled. 'He’d never tell us.' He didn’t want his sister
to tell, either. She witnessed much of the bullying, and many times rose to her brother’s defense, Keene said. 'They called him gay and a snitch,' his stepfather said. 'All the time they’d call
him this.' In an interview with WSB-TV, the boy’s mother, Masika Bermudez, also said her son was being bullied at school. She said she had complained to the school. She said she asked him about
the bullying Thursday when he came home from school and he denied it. She sent him to his room to calm down. It was the last time she would see him alive."

CNN Covers Carl Walker-Hoover and
Anderson Cooper's AC360 takes on the
Carl Walker-Hoover anti-gay bullying suicide story we've been following over the past week. Yesterday, the Advocate posted an interview with
the boy's mother.

Teen Commits Suicide Due to Bullying: Parents Sue School for
Son's Death
April 2, 2009
Eric Mohat, 17, was harassed so mercilessly in high school that when one bully said publicly in class, "Why don't you go home and shoot yourself, no one will miss you," he
Now his parents, William and Janis Mohat of Mentor, Ohio, have filed a lawsuit in federal court, saying that their son endured name-calling, teasing, constant pushing and shoving and hitting in
front of school officials who should have protected him.
The lawsuit -- filed March 27, alleges that the quiet but likable boy, who was involved in theater and music, was called "gay," "fag," "queer" and "homo" and often in front of his teachers. Most
of the harassment took place in math class and the teacher -- an athletic coach -- was accused of failing to protect the boy.
"When you lose a child like this it destroys you in ways you can't even describe," Eric Mohat's father told .

Suicide of Ryan Halligan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ryan Patrick Halligan (December 18, 1989 – October 7, 2003) was an American schoolboy from Essex Junction, Vermont, who committed suicide at the
age of 13 after
being bullied from his classmates in real life and cyber-bullying online. According to the Associated Press, Halligan was repeatedly sent instant messages from middle school classmates accusing
him of being gay, and was "threatened, taunted and insulted incessantly".
John Halligan's son, Ryan, committed suicide on Oct. 7, 2003, after being bullied by classmates at school and online. He was 13 years old. In this interview, Halligan discusses the tragedy, the
events leading up to it, and what he discovered about his son's online life afterwards. He believes that holding teens accountable for their behavior online is key to preventing the kind of
cyberbullying that his son suffered. This is the edited transcript of an interview conducted Oct. 19, 2007.
- snip -
We had a great conversation. We ended the call like we always did. I said, "Ryan, I love you." "Dad, I love you." "I'll call you again tomorrow from Rochester." That was the last time I talked to
The next phone call was from my wife, 6:00 in the morning, just as I was waking up in this hotel room in Rochester. When the phone rang, I immediately thought, now she's taking the kids to
school; she's probably having a hard time finding his backpack or something. I was never prepared for what I heard.
My wife was screaming and crying hysterically: "John, you need to come home. You need to come home. Our son is dead. Ryan killed himself."

Jeffrey Fehr, Gay California Teen
And Cheerleading Squad Captain, Commits Suicide On New Year's Day
First Posted: 01/17/12 05:51 PM ET Updated: 01/18/12 07:35 PM ET
The disturbing spate of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) teen suicides continues with news that another California student has taken his own life.
As The Sacramento Bee is reporting,
18-year-old Jeffrey Fehr hanged himself on New Year's Day in the front entrance of his family's Granite Bay home. Although Fehr had been
openly gay since his sophomore year of high school and had recently been treated for depression following the end of a relationship, his parents Pati and Steve believe that a lifetime of enduring
anti-gay bullying led their son, who reportedly just completed his first semester at Sierra College, to commit suicide.
"We will second-guess ourselves forever," Steve told the Bee. "But we do know that for years and years, people knocked him down for being different. It damaged him. It wore on him. He could never
fully believe how wonderful he was, and how many people loved him."
Fehr was known as a talented athlete, and became captain of his high school's cheerleading squad (which had previously been all-female) his senior year. Still, friends recall Fehr being taunted
for his decision to join the squad.

Austin Rodriguez, a gay teen at Wellsville High School in Ohio who came out of the closet 6-8 months ago and immediately faced bullying from fellow students, attempted to take
his own life last Friday by swallowing pills, and remains on a ventilator in the hospital, WFMJ reports:
She says at first her son appeared happy and relieved , and then she thought he may have been going through a depression and asked him about it several times, but he never really explained the
extent of what he was going through...
...From what his mother has learned, the bullying was not only cruel, but enough to make a teenager who was already introverted, feel like an outcast. "It was electronic, it was face to face
bullying, they were hiding his gym clothes because they didn't want him changing in the locker room with them. They didn't want him to eat by them, or in the school lunchroom," Rodriguez said.

Posted at 05:11 PM ET, 01/13/2012
Eric James Borges, gay teen who made ‘It Gets Better’ video, commits suicide
By Elizabeth Flock
Following a rash of suicides among gay teens last year, a
19-year-old gay filmmaker who recorded an “It Gets Better” video committed suicide this week, the blog Queer Landia
reported Thursday.
Eric James Borges, of Visalia, Calif., was a volunteer at the Trevor Project, an organization that works to prevent suicides against LGBT youth. The Trevor Project confirmed
Queer Landia’s report.
“He was a volunteer teaching suicide prevention, so he knew what counseling was available to him,” Laura McGuinnis, a spokeswoman for the Trevor Project, told the Post. “Unfortunately suicide is
so complicated, so rooted in mental illness, that it is difficult to know why he made that decision. It is very, very sad.”
According to the Trevor Project, LGBT youths whose parents reject them for their sexuality are eight times more at risk for suicide than teens whose parents accept them.
In his video for “It Gets Better,” a project in which adults tell kids someday their lives will be brighter, Borges talked about the homophobia he experienced. He said his “extremist Christian”
family called him “disgusting,” and kicked him out of the house in October. He recounted an instance in which he said his mother performed an exorcism to try to make him straight.
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