Lundi 6 avril 1 06 /04 /Avr 08:14

    Un e-mail de GAYGUY(NYC, USA)  ÊTRE ATTIRANT,  AMUSANT, TOUJOURS PROPRE,  toujours désirable  (et plein de désir...


    Ëtre passif signifie probablement, qu'on ait essayé ou non,  le désir ardent d'être aimé par pénétration, et sans nul doute de se donner entièrement, mais ne signifie pas qu'on est exempt de douleur anale, du moins au début.

I have to admit, I’m a big fan of douches and shower enemas, despite the obvious danger. There have been tons of stories I’ve heard from gay guys who ruptured the wall inside their anus by forcing it to roughly or accidentally making the water pressure too high. When a friend recommended I try an ear syringe, I never went back.

  Si vous avez mal, là je pense àdes exemples précis comme JP, que je côtoie, vous avez 2 raisons de vous plaindre  1 la douleur, 2 la frustration en raison de vos hémorroïdes ou autre pb opposé à votre épanouissement.   

An ear syringe is basically a mini-douche. You can find it in your local drug store and it holds about half the size of water that regular douches may carry. Fill it up with warm water, lube the end, and douche like normal. You have less worry about ruptures or water pressure, and less probability of feeling bloated since there is minimal water involved.


The Good Bottom’s Guide to Being Prepared:


  good bottoms guide1 The Good Bottoms Guide to Being Prepared: 


As a single bottom in the gay community you have to ALWAYS be on your game. You never know when the next Andrew Christian model is going to walk up to you wasted and ask to have sex in the back of his 2007 Jetta…


Here are some tips the most bottoms should live by:


Rule #1 – Be Selective of What Goes in You!


I’m talking about food. Having a healthy diet will make your body feel better and will also make sex a lot cleaner and comfortable.


Also remember that if the chances are high you’re going to get some action, probably better to not eat a few hours before you go out.


Give your body time to take care of business.




Rule #2 – Don’t be a Messy Jessie, Be a Clean Jean!


Every bottoms worst nightmare is to be walking down Santa Monica blvd and you overhear some top that tore you up the weekend before tell his friends, “Hey, look there’s that messy bottom I told you about…”


Don’t be embarrassed to buy mouche (male douche). If you have a local sex store they’ll have plenty of it, but you can also go down to your local grocery store or CVS or drugstore and grab something. It’s better to feel a little awkward buying mouche than to be mortified of a catastrophe during sex.


Make sure you’re REALLY clean and ready. This is a combination of mouching, a thorough shower, trimming and whatever else it takes to make you feel confident about your next mission.




Rule #3 – Know Your Limits!


If you’re a newbie at bottoming, make sure you’re just dipping your toes in the water before trying to do a cannonball. Bottoming is fun, but only if you know how to proceed with caution.


Make sure the top you’re with knows that you’re not pro so he doesn’t try to pound home and leave you in a wheelchair. Take the time to get warmed up before going at it too hard (it also adds to the fun).


If you’re an experienced bottom then you might be able to drop pants and sit on a fire hydrant without even breaking a sweat BUT you should also be aware that as certain parts of the body expand, they don’t shrink back to the original size.


So make sure to not overdo it by putting on your size queen hat and going out to find the biggest anaconda you can.




Rule #4 – Keep Your Bottom Kit Stocked!


Yes, like I said, sex can happen at any moment when you’re gay. Could be the tweaker bag boy at Ralph’s Supermarket wants to go behind the dumpster for a quickie, or maybe the drunk straight guy that just got dumped wants to take out his aggression on a happy hole…either way its essential you have your Bottom Kit:


– Travel Size Lube
– Condoms
– Toothbrush & Breath Mints
– Baby Wipes


Being preventive about bottom maintenance will help you worry less about something embarrassing happening during or after sex.


And remember – ALWAYS practice safe sex!

  Good reception of these advice, Claudio, for your friend whom I greet by the way. I want that he benefits from my robust experience of unambiguous bottom ! Lol ! Experience of which I even hope to take advantage for a long time...
You speak to me hardly about you... Anyway, when you want !  greets and kiss from Rob. 




Par GAYGUY - Publié dans : VIVRE SA SEXUALITE, SES FANTASMES - Communauté : Cavaillon communauté gay bi trans lesbienne sur la région
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