Dimanche 14 décembre
dépucelage du marié : l’une des scènes les plus bandantes du film “Caligula” est celle du mariage du jeune Proculus.
Caligula s’invite à la noce, exige d’user de son droit de cuissage sur l’épouse qu’il déflore devant le jeune marié. Puis apprenant que ce dernier est encore vierge, il l’oblige à se dévêtir,
le fait mettre à quatre pattes sur une table, vérifie son intimité devant son épouse, il lui badigeonne la raie des fesses avec de la crème et le pénêtre au poing d’un coup
…. Le marié n’est plus puceau !
le marié est mis à l'épreuve dangereusement sous laforme d'un spectacle : "la machine à tuer"
cette scène a été caviardée par la production
Mise en ligne le 15 juin 2008
This is an attempt to restore one of the more infamous deleted scenes from the 1976 "Caligula." Various different sources were used to piece the
scene back to together, as well as putting some pre-existing moments back into sequence, so sorry for the uneven quality.
This scene was split in half by the inept editing crew that butchered the film (Macro's death scene was supposed to occur DURING Proculus' challenge) and the latter half was completely deleted when the film got released in US theatres. The scene was quite an important plot point, which would give more depth to the scene which follows it (Caligula sexually humiliating Livia and Proculus during their wedding.)
This scene was split in half by the inept editing crew that butchered the film (Macro's death scene was supposed to occur DURING Proculus' challenge) and the latter half was completely deleted when the film got released in US theatres. The scene was quite an important plot point, which would give more depth to the scene which follows it (Caligula sexually humiliating Livia and Proculus during their wedding.)
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