Mercredi 4 novembre 3 04 /11 /Nov 01:15





gay_couple_in_bathtub_11gay_couple_in_bathtub_12B e a u t i f u l !gay_couple_in_bathtub_17sieste rafraîchissantegay_couple_in_bathtub_18L'eau ce n'est qu'un prétexte !


gay_couple_in_bathtub_3donne la moi, je m'en occupe !  gay_couple_in_bathtub_6ça chatouille hein !….gay_couple_in_bathtub_8gay_couple_in_bathtub_13le repos du travailleur…



y a quand même du sexe  !!!…












Par FROG - Publié dans : RELAIS - ZAPPINGS- PARTAGES photo expo - Communauté : Cavaillon communauté gay bi trans lesbienne sur la région
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Mardi 3 novembre 2 03 /11 /Nov 19:14

  plonge tes narines dans la fente, hume et ennivre-toi de ces parfums 



USA November 2, 2015



A big dick in boxers is naturally comfortable. Not cosy as inside some tight briefs, but more free with enough space to more around a bit. But we all know that our dicks are always ready and willing to get out of our underwear so that they can get in somewhere else… And boxers (not brief boxers, ok?), the one’s who are not tight and have an opening in the middle, give them the chance to pop out every once in a while. And that’s… horny, or course!

A big dick in boxers likes come out and have some fresh hair in the morning

Try to buy boxers one or two sizes smaller than you actually wear (as long as you feel comfortable) and the opening of the underwear will stretch to provide your dick with space to pop out. Trust me, your man (or men, or one night stand, etc) won’t stay indifferent as you walk around in the house.

big_dick_in_boxers_13Not even going to mention his body because wouldn’t know where to start… Let’s just say his boxers are very hot.

If you’re more of a fan of boxer briefs (I’m not an underwear expert, but as far as I understand, boxer briefs are the one’s like this in the next pic, tight and covering less leg), but if you are and still want your dick to show up, there are many boxer briefs with openings on the front, but to the side. In this case, you will have to wear them really tight or have a really nice shower dick.

“Why would I want that?”, you ask? Well, one reason would be to tease your partner(s). Or the guys at the gym (in the locker room). Or just for when you get to look yourself in the mirror (c’mon, why not?).

big_dick_in_boxers_18These side openings can be very sexy too.


A big dick in boxers pops out just with a semi boner

Yeah, forget the tricks I talked about previously. It can all come down to getting a semi-erection and that will be enough for your big dick to pop out and find some other warm places explore (or your own hand).

big_dick_in_boxers_8Good example of a big dick in boxers who really wants to cum out and see the world.big_dick_in_boxers_17Dicks are the their most beautiful when they are semi-hard. Who agrees?big_dick_in_boxers_11Wouldn’t mind to see this one getting harder, though.big_dick_in_boxers_3Nice foreskin!big_dick_in_boxers_4He’s trying to say that it’s not his fault. His dick just insists to show up for the pictures.big_dick_in_boxers_16Not my type of guy but my type of cock! Oh yeah!big_dick_in_boxers_7Damn, his cock just can’t stand still!big_dick_in_boxers_15A big dick in boxers to came out to say good morning.big_dick_in_boxers_21Legs too thick. Dick just thick enough.big_dick_in_boxers_12Who wants to take a closer look at Perry?

When a big dick in boxers gets bigger there’s nothing you can do

Set it free, man! Yes, you can take out your boxers and do what you gotta do. But I hope this post makes you see how horny it is to have a big dick popping out of your boxers. Both I and Rob used to wear these type of boxers many years ago when we met. But I don’t know why we both moved to boxer briefs and now I realise that I miss seeing his dick popping out. Maybe I just one of his christmas presents…

big_dick_in_boxers_2His balls decided to show up too.big_dick_in_boxers_19Ugly boxers. But I would suck it anyway.big_dick_in_boxers_6This is the “lick my balls” pic.big_dick_in_boxers_9A wet big dick in boxers (also wet). So sexy!big_dick_in_boxers_10Are you looking at me? Because I’m looking at your dick.big_dick_in_boxers_5Not really sure of what happened with these boxers… too many holes on it.. but damn nice cock!


que de câlins qui se perdent !









Par SEXSERVER - Publié dans : RELAIS - ZAPPINGS- PARTAGES photo expo - Communauté : Cavaillon communauté gay bi trans lesbienne sur la région
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Mardi 3 novembre 2 03 /11 /Nov 06:57

il y a des différences ....sauf que les gars semblent s'y plaire !   enjoy


  comme si on avait adhéré à un club gay car de telles réunions ne sont pas faciles à organiser !  enjoy !  













Par SEXOBSERVER - Publié dans : RELAIS - ZAPPINGS- PARTAGES photo expo - Communauté : Cavaillon communauté gay bi trans lesbienne sur la région
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Mardi 27 octobre 2 27 /10 /Oct 06:37







Par TRIPADVISOR - Publié dans : RELAIS - ZAPPINGS- PARTAGES photo expo - Communauté : Cavaillon communauté gay bi trans lesbienne sur la région
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Lundi 26 octobre 1 26 /10 /Oct 07:06

2 trous comblés bareback par ces "blacks"et ....pleine satisfaction

Black Breeders Champ Robinson and Marc Dupree and Gant Black Bareback Black Sex Orgy Amateur Gay Porn 2 Marc Dupree Taking A Raw Load In Each Of His Filthy Holes


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Continuez les gars vous gênez pas pour nous!
















Par TRIPADVISOR - Publié dans : RELAIS - ZAPPINGS- PARTAGES photo expo - Communauté : Cavaillon communauté gay bi trans lesbienne sur la région
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