Le blog gay de Cavaillon et ses amis prostitués

Si tu es heureux et tu le sais Crie "hourrah (Hour-rah !) Si tu es heureux et tu le sais Crie "hourrah (Hour-rah !) Si tu es heureux et tu le sais Et tu veux vraiment le montrer Si tu es heureux et tu le sais Crie "hourrah (Hour-rah !)

I have to say despite running a tumblr devoted to the sometimes disturbing things men do with their penis, this video tops it all purely because it’s a part of mainstream culture! I was with some friends and after a few drinks, some of them decided...



scrotumcoat: “ does your dick hang low? does it dangle to and fro? can you tie it in a knot? can you tie it in a bow? ” Amazed and fucking terrified.


laurenarielpeters: “ Penis enlargement much? ”








Sam 21 mai 2016 Aucun commentaire