Le blog gay de Cavaillon et ses amis prostitués

il va me prendre et...

flashdoggy: flashdoggy: i feel so powerless - yet powerful - when Sir is dressed and i am naked…..when Sir is teasing me not because He wants me right then, but just because i am His and He can do as He pleases…..when Sir has taken my vision or my hearing to enhance my sense of touch, to enhance my anticipation, and makes sure i know that He is in complete control. Powerless, knowing the choices are His and what happens is not for me to know or decide. Powerful, because of all the boys in the world i am the one He has chosen to strip, bind, blindfold, and tease. i am the one He loves. #blissfuldominance



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Jeu 24 mar 2016 Aucun commentaire