Le blog gay de Cavaillon et ses amis prostitués


Moi, je sais que je suis trop conscient pour m'abandonner comme ça quand il vient se blottir. Mais c'est pour son bien aussi.

 The guy on his back is smiling, which reminds us that sex is supposed to be fun… The guy on top is going at his man’s neck. He knows that some hot foreplay will only make the eventual fuck better and that the easiest way to drive most men crazy is a slight nibble of his neck or earlobe… The bottom stripped off his underwear but kept his black tubesocks on. He knows that even a simple touch like that will drive his man crazy, and that pure visual appeal can go a long way… Look at the top. His chiseled back, pert ass, and legs befitting a marathoner—legs that could probably fuck his man deep into the couch… …Seriously, what is there not to love about this picture?

Le plaisir ça se domine et la conscience en éveil le décuple. Regardez-moi

You would think he has a doctorate in cocksucking, he’s just so damn good. The perfect amount of suction and tongue action. The knowledge to have one hand caress my nuts while the other tweaks my nipples. The primal eye contact he makes, which makes me want to go even rougher on him. And the fact he has a killer body makes it even better—especially since I can look at his tight ass and think about what’s coming next. If I wasn’t so attached to him, I’d almost consider loaning him to my buddies just to show them how great sex can be. But I’m keeping him all for myself, which is how we both want it—not too mention, we still have a lot of things we haven’t even gotten around to trying yet.

lui ménager son plaisir... Ne pas le perdre de vue un seul instant.


Ci-dessous Ouin je n'aime pas beaucoup ça. Certes il s'est laissé enculer en moins de  deux...on

n'a même pas pris le temps de se déshabiller entièrement...mais ça vous a un arrière goût d'irréflexion presque de viol  de BRUSQUE anihilation de la volonté...les regrets pourraient n'être pas loin...

 Whenever we work out together, it’s dangerous, one way or another. If we’re both at the gym, he’ll step right in front of my treadmill and begin stretching, showing off his arms and chest through his tank top, and pushing his ass right towards me while “stretching out” his calf muscles. I’ve tripped and stumbled more than once when this happens, always drawing a wink and chuckle from him. Or when it’s nice out and we go for a run through the quiet state park reservation. Once we get to a clearing and jog by some soft grassland, he’ll pivot down and tackle me into the ground. By the time we get back to the course, we’re both usually a bit muddy and sporting wood. It’s the same whether it’s after the gym, the park, or the soccer league. After we get home all sweaty, energized, and horny from seeing the other hot guys in their workout gear, we head straight for the bedroom. But this sex isn’t drawn out and cuddle-friendly, although we love it that way too. This sex is raw, pull-your-shorts-down, arch-your-back-and-take-it-Ace sex. And it’s awesome. And our friends wonder where we get the motivation to workout as much as we do. If they only knew.



C'est ainsi en usant de mon pouce  que je lui inculque les rythmes de la fellation. C'est comme pour tout : le plaisir naît de la répétition c'est bien connu :

I distinctly remember this from the first time Ace and I hooked up. We started by making out and feeling each other up. After we stripped to our undies, I began to tease his nipples and make my way down his sexy chest. When I was exploring his abs for the first time, I felt my hand being taken hold of and led to Ace’s mouth. He took a couple fingers and began to move them in and out of his mouth. I got the hint. I kept moving them in and out, exploring his mouth, and trying to satiate his oral fixation. I could feel his dick pulse through his briefs each time my fingers reached his throat. And I got a preview of how well he can use his tongue. But we both new it was just a prelude, just a bit of foreplay before he’d use his mouth for something bigger; something more satisfying for us both.



Cette manœuvre ci-dessous n'échoue jamais . Pendant les caresses préliminaires je glisse

 lentement mes doigts sous son boxer . Tout d'abord je fais glisser mes doigts le long

 de la ceinture, puis mes doigts s'enhardissent.

This is one of my signature moves—one that never fails. During a hot makeout session, I’ll slowly slip my fingers under his briefs. At first I’ll slide my fingers along the waistband, then slowly reach deeper. After a couple minutes, I’ll slowly graze his hole. His body will start to push back at me, which is when I go for it. The resulting moans from deep within his throat let me know that he’ll be putty in my hands for the rest of the night.

Après deux minutes de ces frôlements,

c'est son trou que je frôlerai lentement . Son corps commencera à se presser vers moi,

qui suis là pour recueillir le fruit de cette approche. Les profonds gémissements

de sa gorge  m'indiquent qu'il sera la glaise que je pétrirai dans mes mains le reste de la nuit.


Vous voyez bien qu'il n'a pas résisté. Ses gémissements s'amplifient.  


When Ace and I haven’t gotten together for a few days, or even a week, I make sure to prolong the experience for both of us. Because why should we hurry up and get it over with? I’ve spent the past week getting progressively more horny, with no opportunity for release. Each day gets worse. I need to work out a little more to de-stress. Random guys on the street start looking hotter than before. And even though I’d never fuck around without him, I turn on the hook-up apps just to look around. And I know he’s been feeling the same urges too. So I make sure our first time back makes the waiting worth it. I tease his body more, allowing him to feel my breath on his neck once again. I play with his hole until he’s begging for it. And once I enter, I take extra care to make sure he’s enjoying this as much as me. When we’ve been apart for a bit, I want to make sure we use the opportunity to have a “first time” all over again.

Il est à moi...



J'ai soin d'avoir une propreté contrôlée, hygiène, sans plus. Le parfum

estg nuisible.

Dès l'instant où mon sexe a frôlé ses lèvres,

I was home before Ace, which was unusual. Thinking he was grabbing drinks with friends or something, I slipped into some jeans, turned on Pandora, and grabbed a beer from the fridge. After a couple drinks, I began to wonder where Ace was—he usually would text if he was going to be late. And then he came through the door, frustrated and tense. Apparently the other TA left town early and he was stuck grading all the exams before the end of the day. And he also had to deal with arrogant freshman who the professor refused to deal with. I let him vent for a couple minutes. I even took off his shoes to help him relax a little - a gesture he barely acknowledged. But after those tasks were done, I opened my fly, looked him in the eye, and said “It’s over now. Just lean back and follow my direction - I’ll make that edge go away.” The moment my cock grazed his lips, he closed his eyes and exhaled. I could see the stress leave him, replaced by eagerness and hunger. If this is what it takes to make him happy, I will exert control every time.

bouche et narines affolées,

 il a fermé ses yeux et a exhalé un beau soupir d'aise. le stress l'avait  quitté, remplacé par une ardeur calme et  une faim de mon amicale tendresse. Si c'est cela qui le rend heureux, je suis fier d'en avoir le contrôle .


Les langues fourréesThere’s nothing complicated about breaking in inexperienced or “curious” guys to the pleasures of gay sex. If they contact me, they clearly find me attractive. And I don’t hide my assertiveness and generally-dominant nature. So if I invite them over they come with the self-realization that they will probably be fucked — even if a part of them doesn’t want to admit it. One I have them strip for me, there’s no turning back. It usually works like this: we make out for a few minutes, I go down on his cock once or twice, and then he gets his first tongue-fucking ever. By then he’s moaning for my dick. I fuck him slowly at first to let him adjust to my girth, but by the end of the night he’s begging for more. Every guy is just one good fuck away from being a lifelong bottom. et autres feuilles de rose n'ont de sens que pour achever le travail


The best sex we have, hands down, occurs in those moments when two separate variables show themselves. Now Ace would make a science joke and say it happens when my Dominant gene and his Recessive gene align. I prefer to keep it simple (and less geeky). We have great sex when Ace just desperately yearns to be fucked, and I spent all day dreaming of eating his ass and making him moan in ecstasy.

I think most guys are hesitant of rimming at first. And it’s understandable, since society conditions us to think there’s something weird about it. But all it takes is one “Awakening,” one stud who knows what he’s doing, one toe curling high and they’re hooked. And they can’t wait to get that pleasure again. But the next time, they try rimming themselves. And find out that it’s actually pretty damn nice. And they realize its power to make another man squirm. And they find themselves throbbing at the knowledge that they are turning him into a whimpering mess just through their tongue. It’s hard to determine who has the better deal with this thing called sex. But no matter what side you fall on, there are no losers here.

il faut qu'il veuille être dévoré par le satan auquel il est prêt à se livrer. Don Juan

est ce MAL irrésistible auquel on s'abandonne. Le mal doit être présent dans ces

moments de reddition.


Je veux que ce soit lui qui, n'en pouvant plus de désirs et des caresses que

je lui prodigue, me supplie de le prendre. Je lui dis alors de s'empaler lui-


More times than not, I’m the one on top of him, even when we’re just casually messing around. And I understand why he likes it that way. He likes to feel my body press on top of him when we’re kissing; likes to have me pin his arms down when I attack his neck; likes to gaze up at my sweat-glistened face when things get heated during foreplay. But sometimes I don’t feel like holding myself up over him all night. And that’s when I can count on Ace to step it up. Last Friday night, I came home exhausted—but horny. But Ace read the signs and knew what to do. Sure, we rolled around some at the beginning, but after a while I ended up on my back. At that point, I began to feel Ace rock his ass back towards my cock—through our still-intact briefs. Although the feeling was amazing even through our tight underwear, we both knew we wanted more. And after we stripped completely and he slid down my shaft while on top, I reminded myself how lucky I was. Because sex with Ace never becomes routine; we managed to turn a post-work quickie into our best sex yet.

fusion contrôlée...Sometimes we just want to fuck our brains out after a long week. But the times when we just take it slow and make the feeling last are just as good. And the resulting cumshots are even bigger.pour notre plus grand bonheur.


We went a little crazy last night—it was New Year’s Eve, after all. First we went over our friend’s house and played drinking games. We both got pretty tipsy—I guess holding the beer pong table for an hour will do that to you. We ended up at the club by 11pm and commenced a couple hours of dancing—we don’t do it often, but he’s actually pretty talented on the dance floor (even if he’s become a big tease when grinding with me—but he knew I’d get my revenge later in the night). When midnight hit, we shared an intense, sloppy make-out in the middle of the dance floor. After a couple more Red Bull-and-vodkas, I managed to drag his excitable ass home. By this point, we were horny as hell, and I had to tip the Cabbie extra for witnessing acts that are most likely illegal in twelve states. By the time we got to my front door with matching hard-ons and alcohol racing through our veins, my memory became a bit fuzzy. All I know is that when I awoke this morning our clothes were thrown about the entrance hallway, the kitchen table was obviously cleared off in a hurry, there was an empty bottle of champagne in the shower, and I had dried cum all over my chest. I’d ask Ace if he remembered anything, but the snoring and groans make me doubt that he will.

Il y a grand plaisir à vous voir vaincus, brisés et heureux MES chéris. 

D J, marchand de bonheur qui respecte ses victimes...

Mer 16 avr 2014 Aucun commentaire

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