Le blog gay de Cavaillon et ses amis prostitués


Automatic inductee into the jockstrapped-butts-hall-of-fame :)



Athletic dorm secrets—you’re only gay if you take dicks in both ends—which makes you very popular with the “straight” dudes :)


corbeauxtube: Teachin’ him to take it two at a time. Love how his boner pops up and out of that ass :)


The Y.M.C.A.—developing young men for almost 200 years :)


Wrestler ready for his weigh-in—he can strip down to make his weight class—or just if he feels like it :)


"It’s comin dude—keep your tongue out" :)

attention, je vais venir...


Fuck him good first thing in the morning :)

un hétéro, un joli petit mec comme toi, ça lui dit, tu sais !


They started out as straight workout buddies—but then they realized a good hot gay butt-fuck burns about 300 calories :)


hein ? c'est pas lui qui te dira le contraire !






Mar 17 sep 2013 Aucun commentaire

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